Jonah account as given in the Bible proves the account is illogical, hence written by thoughtless human writer because:
1) God is shown to be forcing Jonah against his will. (God would not go against the free-will of His children because history shows: He doesn’t punish atheists nor does He do any favors to theists)
2) Unlike other prophets who prefixed their pronouncements with wordings such as “The word of the Jehovah came to me and said ……” “Jonah simply began by going a day’s journey into the city and then proclaimed, ‘Only forty days more and Nineveh will be overthrown.’ And the people of Nineveh believed in God.” (Jonah 3:4-5) This is impossible because millions of miracles Jesus supposedly performed did not convert people who preferred Barabbas to Jesus.
3) Even Jesus went wrong with details of Jonah’s account. “For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth” (Mathew 12:40) John says Jesus was in the tomb for a quarter of day (of Friday) + full Saturday because on Sunday before sunrise, “Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark,” Jesus came out. (John 20:1)
4) Miracle God supposedly performed (keeping Jonah in fish’s belly for three days) converted Jonah. (God would not perform any miracle because earth is filled with miracles. For example, any seed is much more than a physical object because within it exists an invisible software-like-program in which the memory of billions and billions of its future generation remains protected).