so many people that i have contacted or emailed show the same fear as well as i do. now that we have backed away from the wts many still want to hide. i have contacted several people that are in fear to reveal themselves. i think it is the training and the submission we once volunteered to subject ourselves too at one time. is the fear instilled to the new recruits also? i know that i have told many i want to keep my privacy. i still battle the thoughts that i have betrayed my god but my logical reasoning tells me that i have not betrayed god but freed my family and myself. being that im single and have two young teens i should have no worries, im fully independant with a good job and homeowner but why im afraid to speak out? knowing that my family will reject me is my fear...i cant even meet a young woman because i have been raised not to do holidays and dont know how. i have tried to find friends and dates with the same concerns but to no avail to find them is like pulling teeth and many think im strange because politics are alien to me and many customs once prohibited i dont understand..i was sheltered and brainwashed to believe all the wts says are the words of christ and god...who out there can explain to me and the others why the fear? where are the friends who can understand and help me leave the borgs? i say there are none out there....***the mole***
why the fear after we leave the org?
by the mole 10 Replies latest watchtower bible
Fear? What fear?
You answered everything you asked in your own post there. Why the fear?
hi animal
good to see you back. where you been?
Oh, here and there.
oh my sounds dangerous:)
Naaa.... not dangerous yet.
Hello the mole,
i have contacted several people that are in fear to reveal themselves.
The last time I felt this fear was as I walked into the local NBC TV station to arrange an interview for my wife and I that aired that night. The next day I walked up to the front door of the KH on 18th Street with two reporters for the local news paper. I thought for a moment that the last time I entered those doors was on a Sunday to give the public talk. Here I was to give a public exposure of the WT's lies. This happened one year ago this month.
It has been painful but we are free. We no longer look over our shoulder to see who might be looking or listening. Some have more to loose than others so no one should judge their decision. But for us, although loosing nearly all are friends and family, it is better than living in 'fear of being revealed'.
hi mole - It may take years to overcome the WT indoctrination, and the phobias they have implanted. It is a constant and at times painful process.
Its been helpful for me to read the threads here and learn about the abuses of the WT. Many xJws feel as you do.
You sound like a man who has his head on straight. My suggestion to you is simple yet extremely complicated and will take time. The way that I counteracted the fears that I had was to pray and find out what the bible really says. Is our God one who kills because we bake our children a cake on the day of their births to remember that day and give thanks to God? The teachings that we were raised with were full of fear and that is why you have fear. Perfect love casts out all fear. I would strongly recommend to find out what you do believe and find a place to fellowship in Christ. The woman that you will meet one day just may be a Christian woman. I wish you peace and love and I tell you that you did not leave God when you left the jw's.....He called you out of it and if you draw near to Him, He will draw near to you. He is your peace. Love, dj