I figured it may be good for people like us in general and me in particular.
Anyone tried Holosync?
by yesidid 12 Replies latest jw friends
wanna buy a bridge in Sydney?
You are a real con, my Aussie Uncle owns that bridge.
He has willed it to me when he dies. Then I'll go to Sydney to live and live off the toll.
Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
If you can't live off the toll, you could always live on the dole.
cheeses - who can offer you a second bridge in Sydney.
I'll try again for the five hundredth time.
I figured it may be good for people like us in general and me in particular.
They make great claims [what’s new].
· Heals unresolved emotional issues at the deepest level, including anxiety, depression, anger, substance-abuse, fear and many other dysfunctional feelings.
If anyone else has tried it I would be very interested in their comments.
How about some seaside real estate in Queensland then. I'll just check the tide chart
to organise a viewing time
(no more poking fun from me)
Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
One more post my son and you can become a mighty master.
Is Queensland near my uncle's bridge?
After getting out of the JWs I experimented with some of the "mind technologies" out there: NLP, hypnosis, meditation, mind machines, and I've listened to Hemi Sync cd's which is similar to Holo Sync. I downloaded Holo Sync material off of KaZaa and listened to it.
I don't know what you want it for, but I will say listening to cd's with consistent frequencies (beta, alpha, theta, delta) does affect the brainwaves, but no more than listening to certain music that has the same frequency. I used a relaxation cd at one time that had delta frequencies and recorded vocal suggestions to relax on it and found it helpful in getting me to fall asleep. I like listening to Mozart when I'm reading difficult material.
As far as recommeding Holo Sync to ex-JWs, it's worthless in my opinion.
It is pleasant to take a break anytime during the day and listen to relaxing music or recorded frequencies. It interrupts the pattern of stress you might have in the middle of a hectic workday and you might like that. You might enjoy listening to a guided meditation that gives you positive suggestions along with relaxing music or relaxing recorded frequencies. But it's the relaxation part that is beneficial. It interrupts the stress or anxiety you might be feeling. There is no magic recording that is going to cure you. As you probably suspected, the claims of the website you posted are overhyped advertising designed to get your money.
Learn a process to relax, like meditation, or guided relaxation, and you will probably find it helpful. To get started I liked the tape "10 Minutes to Relax" and the tape "The Art of Meditation." That will give you a good introduction into learning a "process" to quiet your mind. When you begin to relax, you begin to heal from your anxieties.
I haven't researched this particular "treatment" and really am not inclined to spend my time doing so. I won't belittle you if this works for you. Just remember that there is always someone out there looking to relieve your pocket of it's money. Beware of anything that claims to be all things to all people.