Ozzie's Weekend Poll #64

by ozziepost 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    G'day all,

    How's the weekend going? Mrs Ozzie and I have been very busy with friends. Had a drive in the countryside today and stopped at an English-style pub, replete with large beer garden where we had a great meal-- more like a feast, really; you know how generous the pub meals can be! And guess what? No shiraz!!! Instead we had a few pints of good old Kilkenny draught.Visit Smiley Central! It's a really creamy drop! Not bad on a hot day, and that's what the weather has been like. Spring is really here!

    Mrs Ozzie's front garden is now a mass of colour. The dubs called on our neighbours yesterday when we were out and made the usual 'opening gambit' comments about the fine display in her neighbour's garden! Our neighbour is well primed on the sordid activities of the borg - so she gave them a very unreceptive response - but did let them know that such a display is possible when you leave the borg!!!!Visit Smiley Central!

    So, what shall we reminisce about today? Well, how about this:

    How did you survive in the Borg?

    1. Got on well with the P.O.

    2. Got to the meetings early!

    3. Got to the meetings late!!!!

    4. Always sat in the back row.

    5. Closed my eyes in the meeting and thought of England!

    6. Pretended I was weak.

    7. Hell, I was weak!

    8. Never got baptised.

    9. Kept on moving from cong. to cong.

    10. I didn't!!!

    11. Other (please detail)

    Well, there ya go! We're looking forward to reading your responses.


    Cheers, OzzieVisit Smiley Central!

  • caspian

    Morning Oz.

    Good to see you drinking real beer in a proper pub.




    Hi Ozzie......................and how's Mrs going???????????

    Looking forward to the next weekend. Hope we can keep the fine spring weather until then. Actually, can you give me a call before then.......finalise a few things ok.

    How did I survive?.....................ignorance for the first 9 years.......................then #9, moving congos for the next 3 years................and finally #10, I didn't and left!!!!!!!!!!!


    Hey Ozzie, sounds like the Aussie dubs were very busy this weekend. All this beautiful spring weather makes them get their hours in easier. It sounds like we had a better one than them though. (nudge, nudge, wink, wink.......say no more).

    Cheers Ozzie and hugs to Mrs.


  • blackout

    Hi Ozzie Here's my answers

    How did you survive in the Borg?

    3. Got to the meetings late!!!!

    4. Always sat in the back row.

    7. Hell, I was weak!

    9. Kept on moving from cong. to cong.

    OTHER: Played Possum

  • gumby

    I personally survived easy.

    I believed it WAS the truth, and so doing what I was expected to do......I did. I didn't look at it as surviving.


  • Joyzabel

    First of all "Mrs Ozzie's front garden is now a mass of colour" I want pics!!


    1. Got on well with the P.O. (he was even good in bed! ) hehe

    I was a true believer. Believed every word-hook, line & sinker.

    But after the blinders came off, I really became "weak". Only one sister ever called to inquire about me and then 2 elders called. Interesting that they were the ones on the JC committee. hmmmmmm


  • Flowerpetal

    I don't know...I guess I never had a lot of the blinders on. When they started talking about 1975, there was a part of me that didn't believe it. And then when local elders would incorporate this subject in their talks, and saying it will be real soon, the signs are there, blah, blah, blah.....what kept echoing in my mind was Jesus' words that no one would know--not even the son of man. So I would listen to these men, and ask myself, what do they know that I don't know? The answer always came back----NOTHING!! Maybe that was the beginning of me waking up because there were always little stirrings of doubt throughout my JW life that I would wonder about but never asked because I figured it would clear up in time. l I'm still in but have decided to do a slow fade.

    So I never swallowed everything hook, line and sinker. It is my nature not to do that whatever endeavor I was in, although I believed God was using the org. of imperfect men. I still didn't pitch headlong into things I wasn't sure about.

    I never tried to get buddy-buddy with the PO no matter what congregation I was going to.

    None of the other points apply to me either. So I guess my answer would have to be #11 Other, and that would be existing slightly under the radar.

  • twinkletoes

    Hello Mr & Mrs Oz.

    Sounds like a great weekend, isn't it good to have time on Saturdays and Sundays to actually enjoy life !

    Definately NOT No.1

    3. Back row - well in fact we always sat in the foyer downstairs (where the disabled had to sit, cos we didn't have a lift) Main Hall was upstairs We always referred to it as the GOQ (get out quick!)

    10. Left (after 32 years being it to be the truth) after discovering the UN scandal and then all the other things.

    Twink & KT

  • blondie


    a. Really believed for a while

    b. Starting waking up and stayed under the radar

    c. Starting really hearing what was said and what was done and realized there was no comfort zone left...left to longer support the lies


  • Soledad

    How did you survive in the Borg?

    4. Always sat in the back row.

    5. Closed my eyes in the meeting and thought of England! or School or Christmas or Sex erm, anything that would kill 2 hours

    6. Pretended I was weak.

    7. Hell, I was weak!

    10. I didn't!!!


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