Yes Verginia, I did not go to the one day assembly today because of these reasons:
I sang with my friends at a night club till 1:AM, and I slept till noon, and just had to set in my sweats and eat hot cakes with sausage gravy along with a cup of coffee. And because I find surfing the web much more educational and entertaining than setting on hard seats hearing some cone head asking me "what sort of persons ought you to be blah blah" and waiting in lines to go pee and do #2, and I find it much more fun to plop down in front of my TV and watch cable Springer eating potato chips and dip. Yes, Virginia you go on ahead of me and find a seat and bring your sack lunch and listen to all the ways your not fulfilling your ministry. Then come back Virginia and tell me if Armageddon has started yet and if we can talk to the disfellowshipped ones and treat them like human beings.