Do You Automatically Believe Everything A Poster Says About Him/Herself?

by minimus 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • Special K
    Special K

    No I don't automatically believe everything a poster says about himself/herself..

    not do I believe everything I read in the newspaper either..

    Sometimes, I'll go back through posts and topics and see if a person is consistent...or not...

    Being a J.W. and then getting out of it.. has made me a bit distrustful.

    but the beneifits of leaving J.W.s has let me be more open and forgiving of others faults.

    special k

  • xjw_b12

    Usually, unless the have a derivative of the name jehovah, god or salvation in their alias.......

  • Skeptic

    I generally believe people until I have a reason not to.

    I have been burned a few times...partly because my life is so weird that the bizarre is normal to me...but I am slowly training myself to listen to the flags that pop up when I am getting to know someone.

  • plmkrzy

    I always gave everyone the benefit of the doubt most of my life. Unfortunately I've been hurt a lot by those people, my whole life. Now it is the other way around. I don't necessarily distrust people or assume they are dishonest, however I am very cautious of people until I have known them for quite awhile. My husband for example, 11 years after I met him I married him. .

  • frenchbabyface
    Xena : I tend to trust someone until given reason not to.

    and most of the time I tend to read in beetween the lines (any kind the subject)

  • freein89

    I have been very inconsistent, does that mean people don't think I am sincere? I am honestly wondering what people think of me. A lot of what I post here is determined by my mood or how I have been touched by what I see here. Sometimes I am bitter and resentful, not of people here, but because of the pain of the JW experience. Sometimes I am optimistic-rainbows and sunshine and sometimes I am so angry about what I and others have had to go through.

    The thing is that I care about and need the community that I have found here. When I first found the site I was moved and touched and just jumped in when I was ready to post. I wanted to tell my story and I just spilled my guts. Did people here suspect me? Perhaps I should have gone more slowly, I wish I had. My story was true but now I wonder if I should have told it.

    Was I guilty because of what my husband did? With the JW's I was, and its one of the reasons I left. Was I guilty here too? I feel sorta bad now, was I too trusting, was I a gullible fool? Am I taken seriously? I have never disregarded or suspected anyone, why would I? I am confused and worried


  • patio34

    No, i never would. The term "believe" is a bit of a problem. I don't DISbelieve what is said, just absorb it. If it becomes a bit too fantastic, that's a lot of red flags for me, or if they're seeking something, such as money, etc.

    Belief is linked to trust. I wouldn't trust anything anyone said until I knew them. But that doesn't mean I DIStrust them either. I'd have to say I'd suspend judgment for a bit.

    If they weren't asking anything of me, I'd tend to extend a bit more. But it's not something I think about consciously. As Amazing said, sometimes the BS detector starts ringing.


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