Three years removed from JW-Dom.

by jayhawk1 10 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • jayhawk1

    I have not been to a meeting in three years 20-plus days. I wonder if I missed any new light (TM). Certainly, I have had so much fun since leaving. No more meetings, reading Watchtowers or JW books, no more service, and certainly no more fake friends. In the three years, only one JW person has ever called, and she was once my baby-sitter when I was just a boy.

    I got to thinking about this last a week ago Saturday. My wife, Daughter and I went to the local Dairy Queen around 1000 hours to have a late breakfast/early lunch and sure enough, just like clock work here a car group came in. Two elderly Elders and one JW woman. The woman said hello to me, but did not say anything to my wife. The Elders said nothing to me. They both looked at me, but treated me like I was Disfellowshipped. To my knowledge I have not been Disfellowshipped, although I might as well be.

    I have two questions.

    Has anything changed in the last three years?

    Can a person be Disfellowshipped with out being told?

    Just curious.

    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."--J.F. Rutherford.


    Not 100% certain.

    Perhaps someone can enlighten the both of us.

    iiz2cool mentioned something to me about it.

    I think they can DF you in absentia.

    Anyone have any further knowledge with regards to this matter?

    Thank you.

  • jayhawk1

    I know you don't have to be present to be Disfellowshipped. But at least by the rules three years ago, I thought they had to let you know your status. That is why I am curious about any changes in rules over the last three years.

  • nobody told me
    nobody told me

    You do not haave to be present at a JC to be be DFed, but you need to be invited and their needs to be two elders in your presence to inform you of thier decision. You could of been marked as a bad ass, with a local talk that puts everyone on guard not to be your friend, but still ok to say hi.

  • patio34

    I've apparently been "marked" too Jayhawk. Some will speak ok and some shun me, so i know i haven't been df'd.

    I heard a couple of people from AA and NA say they had 15 years' sobriety--i laughed and said I had 2 years cult-free.


  • caspian

    Do they know where you live?

    If they know they have to come and inform you.

    If you have left the area and no one finds you, most elders will jus leave it as that.

    however I did use the term "most elders"..........................


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    I'm just curious about this "marking" stuff.

    So, someone does something really crappy, and they have a "local needs" talk about it. How does the congregation know who they are talking about? Do they say their name from the podium? What if someone was involved in *really secretive* bad behavior that wasn't quite disfellowshipping material, but wasn't really good? Does the speaker just announce the person's name and they they all "mark" him, or do they all just INTUIT who it was and then start marking people they don't even know? As far as I remember, people that were disfellowshipped were announced from the podium. I musta not been paying attention <hard to figure> when there was a "marking" talk. How did everyone know who they were talking about? Isn't it supposed to be private information when someone was privately reproved?


  • jayhawk1

    Yes, they know where I live. I have not moved in the last 7 years, so I am not hard to find. The only thing that has changed is my phone number. To answer the question of "marking," they have a local needs talk about becoming "spiritually weak" and they make sure to mention there are some who have fallen away or become "spiritually dead." As of 3 years ago, they don't mention names unless they have been reproved or disfellowshipped.

    Speaking of 3 years ago, has anything changed since August 2000? Any "new light" recently?

    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."--J.F. Rutherford.

  • animal

    I was booted without knowing it... back in the 70's.

    Animal (and never looked back)

  • yxl1

    Country girl said:

    How does the congregation know who they are talking about?

    Gossip, rumour and more gossip

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