Are you an igtheist?

by Abaddon 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Abaddon


    I think that gumby is quoting some of that from this website;

    Neon; Not quite; that would be an iglooologist; I'm pretty sure it would have three 'o's in the middle... an iglooist would be someone who made igloos, perhaps? Or someone who played them? Does anyone here know anything about the acoustic properties of igloos? But an iglogoist is definately either someone who doesn't know words, or considering the running-dog etymology of the neologism, someone who is incapable of telling logos apart; is it Nike? The big M? Come on, give me a clue! The big yellow M, I'm sure it's Nike...

    Gumby; nah, freethinkers doesn't define the general parameters of the thoughts thought, it only defines the modus sentiandi of those thinking the thoughts. Brights, for all its obvious antonymical association (which I fear doom it), does define the general parameters of thought of those claiming it as an affiliation.

    It's like the difference between 'a football supporter' and 'a <insert team name> supporter'

    Special prize to anyone who actually knows the Latin congugation of sentient I've guessed as sentiandi on the basis that 'modus operandi' is right, so it might be... hell, it sounds good; "Bah! Typical of your modus sentiandi"

    ... or should I get out more...?

  • SixofNine

    Lately I've taken to looking at many of the words (and some phrases) of theology, and realising that the words themselves serve no useful purpose in the human lexicon (except to divide people and/or explain w/o really explaining, obscure and errant notions and concepts).



    Holy Spirit


    Living by faith

    God-given morals

    Spiritual (I think my favourite, as even some atheist use it freely)

    Etc , etc.

    Words and phrases that if we all woke up tomorrow morning, and they were just gone, they wouldn't be missed in the least. Argue their nebulous concepts and meanings to the ends of the universe , but the truth is, imo, that both they and their concepts are irrelevant to successful, happy human life.

    No puppies where hurt in the making of this post, and yes, Hitler-was-evil. At least till tomorrow.

  • Carmel

    Well now, when I was in college I took a couple courses on the fishes of the world. The professor was an Ictheologist and was a great guy. I could never call myself one though since I've had my share of icky theology growing up a dubby.


  • Abaddon

    Carmel: LOL. That sounds a rather fishy story if you ask me.

    6of9: God itself is a very wooly word, as it runs the gamut from childishly anthropomorpihc old men to conceptualised unifying power fields. As soon as he pops along to clear up the confusin, I'll be happy to look into the subject again.

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