"To whom do you belong?"

by stuckinarut2 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • stuckinarut2

    Prompted by one of our fellow posters- jrjw who started a thread asking how to remove "kingdom melodies" from our head, this song title came to mind! (Sorry for the earworm everyone😉)

    It got me thinking. To whom DO Witnesses belong? Who do they obey?

    I wonder if they ever stop to think about how ludicrous it is, that they blindly follow whatever the GB dispenses at that particular time! If teachings change, then they change along with it..

    Could this be a simple question to ask a still in witness? : "who do you follow?"

    They will answer "Jehovah " of course.

    You can then say "But does Jehovah ever make mistakes? Does he ever change his mind? Is Jehovah perfect and infallible? If so, why does he give out incorrect and false information or directions to his people today?"

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  • finallysomepride

    Just when I think I have finally gotten that shit outa my friggin head, someone just has to bring them up again!


    I am talking about the melodies if you can't guess

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  • days of future passed
    days of future passed

    Of course, a JW will answer - God is perfect, but.... his servants aren't. Us imperfect humans is what he has to work with.

    I haven't tried this out yet - no opportunity - but I would bring up King Saul. He wanted david dead or captured. Would you be like jonathan or dodo? Would you blindly obey an anointed King or would you reason on what you knew of david and his loyalty to god? Should we blindly obey those that claim to represent god and yet show that they change back and forth on teachings - blood - organ transplants. Isn't that a reproach on God himself? Aren't we each responsible for our actions? If we do wrong by following an imperfect humans teachings, will God accept "We were just obeying those you chose?" Hahaha I know it won't work, but we have to try.

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  • Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
    Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho

    Taaaaaake siiiides with Je-hooooovah

    Maaaake him your de-liiiiiiiiight

    Heeeeeee'll ne-ver forsaaaaake yoouu

    Waaaaaaaalk on in his liiiiiiight

    Telllll, tell the great tiiiiiii-dings

    of freedom and peeaaaccccce...................

    Sorry, @stuckinarut2. Just thought I'd return the favor.

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  • finallysomepride

    @Wake Me

    you bad girl

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  • stuckinarut2

    Thanks @wake me! (You biyatch 😉)

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  • Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
    Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho

    @stuckinarut2 You f*cking started it.

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  • scratchme1010
    To whom DO Witnesses belong? Who do they obey?

    To the WT bible and track society.

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  • finallysomepride

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  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    It's crazy the things you can remember all these years later.

    Let's watch how we walk and watch how we talk,

    that thus we may be alert and wise,

    buying out the opportune time, since this world in Satan lies,

    yes watch watch how we walk and watch how we talk that thus we may be alert and wise.

    Let's watch were we preach and watch where we teach,

    Encourage meek ones to take their stand,

    by our bible studies with them,

    Give them all a helping hand,

    Let's watch how we greet and watch how we treat,

    all those we meet in our ministry,

    Like Christ Jesus our fine shepherd,

    Care for his sheep lovingly,

    Yes watch how we greet and watch how we treat,

    and stumble none in our ministry.

    When I was a kid my brother and I used to alter the kingdom songs. :

    "Lets watch where we schlep and watch where we step, there's dog crap out in our ministreee"

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