I have some questions about the Org.!

by KerryKing 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • KerryKing

    Are any or all of the GB from Jewish descent?

    Why are they so fascinated with following ancient Jewish 'principles' ?

    ISA 43:10, 44:8 ' you are my witnesses ' which they based their religious identity on, Jehovah's Witnesses, yet those verses address the Jews, not Christians, which they profess to be.

    Jesus said in Ac 1:8 'you will be witnesses of me ',

    in Ac 10:39 'we are witnesses of all the things he did',

    Ac 13:31 ' for many days he became visible to those who had gone up with him from Galilee to Jerusalem, who are now his witnesses to the people',

    Heb 12:1,2 'we have so great a cloud of witnesses....let us run with endurance....as we look intently at the Chief Agent and Perfecter of our faith, Jesus'.

    Seeing as they profess to be Christians (do they though?) should they not have called themselves Jesus' Witnesses?

    On another topic, is there any way of finding out whether those leaving the org, either by df or da or fading etc are mainly women or men?

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    The message they preach eliminates the possibility of Jesus being the Mediator for a member on Judgment Day, and they teach that virtually no one can have Jesus as their Mediator after 1935. So, they discourage current members from claiming this Christian offer from the Lord.

    As a result, the religion is built around willpower to do what is right as opposed to being declared righteous (justified) by grace through faith. Even though Isiah. 64: 6 declares:" all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags", they still believe their good works (passing out literature) will save them.

    They teach that Justification is no longer available. So, there really isn't much in the NT that applies with that kind of restriction. ,

    Hope that answers your question.

  • PioneerSchmioneer

    According to the standards set by Jews themselves (which differ slightly according to denomination), a Jew is usually someone born of a Jewish mother (but in very liberal cases, a paternal line is sometimes acknowledged today). "Jewish" means someone who formally belongs to a Jewish denomination (i.e., Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, Recostruction, Humanistic) or community (Sephardi, Misrahi. Beta-Israel). Belief or faith in any tenet is often not a requisite in Judaism.

    Are any of the members of the Governing Body therefore considered Jewish? Not likely in any sense of the word, nor do I think they consider themselves that.

    One of the factors that gives this away is the Jewish value of education that is built into the culture. From antiquity, Jews have been known to be great learners, educators, developers of great schools, yeshivas and universities, and have striven to send their children there. The idea that there are no scholars on the GB who have gone to a yeshiva or seminary is a clear indication that none of them are Jewish.

    Another thing is that JWs use the Divine Name, using the term "Jehovah" (which has no meaning to Jews because it was a mistaken invention by Christians), and call it the Tetragrammaton. Jews don't use the Name, prefer "HaShem" or "Eternal" or "Adonai" instead, and say Shem HaMamephorash (Hebrew) instead of Tetragrammaton (Greek) for the letters of the Name of God. So the GB obviously never stepped foot into Hebrew School, which they would have done since they were toddlers if they had been brought up Jewish.

    They are not really obsessed with "Jewish principles." All their obsession with the Old Testament comes from the Adventists who became the Seventh-day Adventists. The SDA believes that the Law still applies to Christians and have odd ideas that the Hebrew texts apply to the Church in weird allegorical ways. The Bible Students were once connected to the Adventists, and took all the foundational beliefs--especially the Last Days--from them. So this is where the focus on the Hebrew Scriptures comes from.

  • Elena

    The GB are not Jewish they say the Bible says the Jew killed Jesus and now they are no longer Gods chosen people and the Bible says I will give it to a new people

  • Vidiot

    They’re not overly preoccupied with Judaism or Jewishness (is that a word?) per se… rather, a flavor of Christianity that places more emphasis on the Old Testament (among other things) than most…

    …particularly its portrayals of a punitive, authoritarian God, as opposed to the tolerant, forgiving God of the New Testament.

    NOTE: Technically, the punitive authoritarian God and the tolerant forgiving God can arguably be found in both Testaments if you look for them.

    EDIT: Also, everything PioneerShmioneer said.

  • no-zombie

    While I value the comments of others, this time I'd like to differ, to state that the Governing Body has deliberately made our religion into a Judain sect ... with a light painting of Christian overtones. And my proofs is seen is not what is written, but what is done.

    For example, consider the balance of teaching time spent between talking about OT topics and characters and NT topics and characters. What do we see? It is obvious that the ratio is at least a 75/25 split, in favor of Jewish themes. Yet we know that in the NT story, there is at least 25 faithful men (not counting the many women) who God kept their names alive for our benefit, whom we NEVER hear of, bar one or two.

    What about the actual message we hear from the platform? What do we hear all the time? Answer ... the negative and degrading topics of sin and judgement. How Samson killed all the Philistines because they worshiped false gods, how King David murdered women, children and the elderly on his righteous raids in the Jordan ... or how Jehovah is going to kill literally 99.9% of the world's population very soon, just like he did in Noah's day. Conversely, let us think about Jesus' most important message to mankind; the sermon on the mount. Does his words of hope and triumph over weakness, mesh with all the killing and violence we normally hear at the meetings? It doesn't of course. Nether do we hear about Jesus condemnation of his previous rule based faith.


    Simply said, people in a rule based religion are easier to control, it demands unity of thought and purpose ... and in our case, it was important that the Jehovah's Witnesses religion, looked drastically different to the classic Christian faiths in the world today.

  • KerryKing

    Thank you everyone, very helpful explanations.

    I have been df for 15 years, about to get married to my partner of 13 years, and my family are hoping I will apply to be reinstated. For years I thought I would want to return, but the more I read the Bible, and communicate on this forum and on Beroean Pickets, the stronger the feeling is growing that there is something very different about the current JW religion, it seems quite sinister to me but I can't put my finger on exactly what it is.

    I really enjoy the discussions on here, so thank you to all, you're clarifying a lot of past murky teachings and questions for me.

  • truthlover123

    This organization today is not the one has no bearing on what you learned before. In 2023 alone, more changes took place enough to spin you around. Take a deep dive into everything since 1996 that changed within org.

  • Ron.W.
    .. but the more I read the Bible, and communicate on this forum and on Beroean Pickets, the stronger the feeling is growing that there is something very different about the current JW religion, it seems quite sinister..

    Good observations - I agree!

  • enoughisenough

    I agree there is something sinister about the org. When they can get up and plainly show they are following the world while condemning r/f for having "worldly" friends or sharing in events with their " worldly " families and blame almighty God for every false hood they have published.( because he didn't reveal the whole truth to them at once )..that is just evil. Not to mention, they literally promote hatred and judging. ( it's so plain to see once you get out!)

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