Hopefully after this treatment your cousin is no longer a believer.
The awful treatment of my disfellowshipped cousin still continues
by RULES & REGULATIONS 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Rolls eyes. I honestly don';t care what the bible says.
I know you don't.
Which is why I wasn't speaking to you.
I was making a general comment based on my personal opinion and the title and substance of the thread.
It's you who made the dismissing comment.
How bout next time you mind your business instead of trying to be argumentative?
Allow me to express my sincere disdain for the treatment of your cousin.
It's despicable and unwarranted and definitely not biblical given the circumstances.
John Prestor said:
I couldn't care less what the Bible says Jesus said either. Let's keep on topic here, and it looks like we are, now.I find it curious that Exelder and John Prestor will dismiss the bible (and my comments) yet the OP's thread is ABOUT why the Jehovah's Witnesses misuse the bible to justify his cousin's disfellowshipping.
So me using the bible to reply to this abuse by Jehovah's Witness leaders is not straying off topic.
If you guys have a problem with the bible okay, I respect that. But stay on topic and keep your personal bias out of it.
Because of the shunning that WT promotes and the drones follow, I hope that I live long enough to watch this corrupt and abusive cult take a nose dive. Oh God, please let me live long enough to witness it!!!
"How bout next time you mind your business instead of trying to be argumentative?"
It is a public forum so I am free to post my option in if I want ...just as you did.
I wasn't being argumentative.....I just object to seeing crass comments about "indisceet maggots burning in hell for an eternity" which was not even a JW belief anyway. (were you even a JW???..rhetorical question ...I am not interested)
That is being "off topic" and has nothing to do with personal bias.
I hate all religion for this very reason ...it has pious people delighting in the impending judgement and punishment of others who don't see their point of view.
It makes me sick to the stomach and when you make comments like that in the future I will continue to call you out on it.
problemaddict 2
I'm sorry your cousin has to deal with that.
If he was baptized at a young age, and claims he did not understand what he was getting into subsequently being DF'd at 18, it is POSSIBLE, for him to protest his shunning with the local brothers and branch.
In particular the new elders book that was leaked makes allowances for something like "time served" in certain situations.
"I was baptized a minor....I should not have been. My family believes in shunning me continuously over this technicality. As a result both they and I suffer. This behavior in and of itself has made me not want to connect with the religion of my youth. I am neither an "evildoer" nor "sinning". Is this sort of long term family excommunication really the point of this doctrine to begin with?"
Now this would take some work and unpleasantness to be sure.....but it might be away out of this at the local level.
I certainly hope he does not allow his family to see his child or wife while they shun him. Talking about sending your kid the wrong message. Though I would never judge the guy either way. That is a tough one.
Because of the shunning that WT promotes and the drones follow
Here is more of the shunning treatment my cousin has had to endure after his mom (my first cousin) passed away 10 years ago.
* He was made to leave the house and return later that night after his mother died because Jehovah's Witness relatives were coming over to the house to visit the family.
* He was told to stand on the side of his mom's casket, while the rest of the family sat in the first row chairs.
*He was told not to attend the luncheon after the funeral. He left and went home because some members would not attend the luncheon if he was present. I listened in when the Elder told him to leave the luncheon. He was made to leave because it would make all Jehovah's Witnesses uncomfortable with his presence. I was so upset on the way he was being treated I left also.
The torture of shunning and treatment has never stopped for my cousin.
stan livedeath
ive had my fair share of shunning--both from one son and my daughter. thats 5 grandchildren ive never met.
my other son is d/f..he and i are close. his mother shuns him. so shes never seen or held his little boy.
another family wrecked by the watchtower cult.
@ Exelder
The anger is not toward unbelievers as you speculate. My comment is full of indignation towards deceivers. Not sure "crass" is applicable.
Like I said before. If you don't believe in the bible I don't have a problem with you and wish you no ill will as you falsely characterize my comment. What I despise and hate are people who like the biblical pharisees DELIBERATELY mislead and lie to people for personal glory, adulation, gain, etc.
I hate all religion for this very reason ...it has pious people delighting in the impending judgement and punishment of others who don't see their point of view.
Here again you're making a false assumption.
It makes me sick to the stomach and when you make comments like that in the future I will continue to call you out on it.
That's your prerogative. I am though, completely frightened at the prospect of you hunting down my comments to make sure they fit in with your point of view (notice the sarcasm )
Good example of how short sighted the gb are. Your cousins wife will/ has told every relative and friend how jw's treat their own family. What a fine witness!