by JT 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    The real irony is that in Patterson and at Bethel, many if not most Bethelites have elevating the avoidance of field service and meetings the local congregations to an art form. It's all too easy to invoke ``Bethel work priorities " as an excuse. It's a rare Bethelite indeed that spends his weekends banging on doors for hours at a time.

  • talesin

    One of my friends is a social worker who worked with 'youth at risk' (age 17-24) for several years. She is not a JW and has a close, loving family.

    One day we were talking about the problems associated with growing up JW. She said she had noted that a disproportionate number (at least 1, if not 2-3 out of a group of 10, for example) of these youth were from JW homes. It was shocking to her that such a large percentage of the youth she worked with came from such a small segment of the population. And from a group who claims to have such close-knit families and a 'caring brotherhood'. Once we had been friends for awhile, she told me that she now understood why so many JW youth are 'at risk'.

    Such a sad truth!

    If you are a JW youth reading this, please know that you are not alone, you are not weird, you are not stupid. You are NORMAL. Young JWs have felt this way for generations! You do not have to feel trapped forever. It's the 21st Century and you can get help and advocacy. Be safe. There is life after JW. You can heal.

    peace, love and happiness

  • JamesThomas

    Perhaps it boils down to this: It is humanely impossible to truly love a god who will kill you if you don't. To attempt such a feat is to tie your soul in knots; is to spiritually starve; is to be one of the walking -dead (a JW). These folks need our compassion and understanding. JamesT (hey JT, how have you been?)

  • Dansk


    I can't believe it! I've read two of your posts now and not a single picture!!

    Good Karma to you my dear friend,


  • shotgun

    NO....why else would they empty the St Johns Wart shelf in every drug store....How can you be truly happy if your not free.

    Shamus...Your a good man who seems to be on the right track..recent move, snowboarding...etc

    I'm sorry for your past problems but am glad to see your doing better and have freed yourself from False religion(WT).

    Someday maybe you can teach me and my daughter how to snowboard.....Now that would be something to look forward too..

    Take care

  • metatron

    You could choke a horse with the Prozac swallowed weekly in many congregations.

    It's so sad to see Witnesses get cornered if you bring this issue up - they start trying to say that somehow

    they're really happy even though they are depressed and thinking about suicide. Any of you lurkers out there

    take note of how horrible this is: their cult-loyalty is often so intense that they will blame themselves endlessly

    instead of recognizing the burden their lives can't support.

    Tell a Witness that the purpose of life is happiness

    they'll contradict you - about serving God or something

    Tell them "Well, if you don't think that life's purpose is happiness, then you must be choosing some form of unhappiness

    as the purpose of your life"

    The reaction is usually funny --- and kind of sad to watch


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