Greatest golfer of all-time. He was totally "handled" by his father though, and once his father died he was without direction and went totally off the rails. He's kinda slimeball in real life, honestly.
Fun Fact: My wife once worked for a company that made outwear for all the PGA Golfers. Like at tournaments. They made all of he rain jackets to measurements. Tiger Woods has the smallest wrists of any golfer, and it was speculated that that is one of the reasons his swing was so unique and smooth. He's done a lot over the years after his accidents to improve his upper body strength, to as to put more power behind his swing and build up to compensate for his back. Now, he f**ked up his right leg. Much like Jordan, he's so competitive that he may not allow himself to be "done" and retired just yet. He has a year of recovery until we see him back in competitive form.
I know it's stereotype, but the "Asian" in him doesn't allow him to drive like a sane human being. He drives like a fuggin' nut. He's had so many speeding tickets, I can't believe he has a license. His "celebrity privilege" has taken him far. I honestly couldn't give 2 shits what he does. He's not my cup-o-tea. Like I said, great abilities, shitty human being. Just ask his ex-wife. She'll tell ya!