We were always being told that we must be careful not to "stumble" others. We were instructed to think about the consciences of others. Was there anything that used to bother your conscience that now doesn't?
What Things Used To Bother Your Conscience???
by minimus 33 Replies latest jw friends
Is the question 1) what things would bother MY conscience or 2) what would bother the conscience of others?
I would seek the pathway that would keep within Bible principles and what was supported by the WTS publications, one that please God and the majority. To try and find a way or decision that bothered no one would be impossible. Some people are impossible to please, more difficult than God.
It was one thing to have one elder say something as to a whole body of elders.
Blondie (never let one person hold the group hostage)
Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
It was never a problem as I always heeded the advice of my much loathed but everbelieving dub father-in-law (I much prefer to refer to him as my wife's father - as the prick is certainly no father of mine, even if only by law) who often stated that "If your conscience is troubling you - just deaden it". What a fine example of an elder.
I think the Society instills fear and worry in Witnesses by making them paranoid. JW's always had to be on guard lest they offended or stumbled another. The result is that nearly everyone is trained to have an overly sensitive conscience. JW's become critical. If they can't do a certain thing because someone might get stumbled, then a fellow JW better not do something that could affect your conscience. It seemed that the majority of Witnesses were always being bothered by someone else's actions.
I knew a number of Witnesses that were always upset that someone violated their conscience. Some would get very disturbed because certain ones continued to place chess (the war game). Others claimed they were being bothered because a brother had a "worldly" mustache. I've known of some with "wounded" consciences, upset because a sister was "too friendly" with the brothers. Eventually, all a Witness had to do was say that someone or something bothered their conscience and before you know it, a local needs talk or some private counsel was being given to the "offender".
"If your conscience is troubling you - just deaden it". What a fine example of an elder.
Yeah, I saw a couple of those elders at the tavern the other day.
I have always been a readaholic and read many forbidden novels that I had to hide from my parents as a young teen. This weighed heavily on my conscience because I knew the J*****h KNEW, and that I was being bad and 'worldly'.
How sick is that?
(still a readaholic but without the secrecy and guilt)
Honestly, Almost everything.
Did it bother your conscience to overdrink, to not go out in service on a Saturday morning, to go to meetings and wish you were somewhere else?
Things that bothered my conscience:
1) Masturbation
2) Talking to the opposite sex
3) Swearing
4) Denying I was a JWI can't remember a lot of them. It's been a while since any of it actually bothered me.
I think my conscience bothered me about almost everything..even not having the WT prepared, not commenting, not putting in enough service time and fudging my report to keep the elders off my back...etc