Most of you know that I have moved back to my old house, and in the process, had lots of boxes to go thru. I have found so many treasured moments of my life, things like my kids, my family, etc.
For just a couple of hours lately I have been putting alot of my pictures when I was young on my personal file, just because they are the only copies I have of them.
I heard it once said that when you have pain in your past , your childhood, that you should look at that picture of the 8 or 9 year old you once were and enbrace her,, or him. I have done that, and I can tell you it opens the door to so much healing, so much compassion for yourself, something that YOU as an adult really need to move on.
Especially those of us who have no parents that can embrace us and tell us how special we truly were.
I don't know if having my own kids , all three precious ones of them, just makes me remember , even if I dont realize it...........that I do had that light in me. That feeling that what ever was done to you, whatever you went thru there was a spirit in you that should never go away.
Even for those of us who are up in years, coming out of the borg in just the last two years , makes me feel , like a teen again. It makes me feel that even at the age I am now, not that old , but not that young, ready to face the past, and to finally heal and feel whole.
So if you just want to, join me in remembering how the young little girls and boys we were,..... smiled, how we felt invinsible, and just how precious we really were.
All my love to you all...............