Post a pic of the child that you were,,,,,,,,,,in honor of healing

by LyinEyes 30 Replies latest forum announcements

  • LyinEyes

    Most of you know that I have moved back to my old house, and in the process, had lots of boxes to go thru. I have found so many treasured moments of my life, things like my kids, my family, etc.

    For just a couple of hours lately I have been putting alot of my pictures when I was young on my personal file, just because they are the only copies I have of them.

    I heard it once said that when you have pain in your past , your childhood, that you should look at that picture of the 8 or 9 year old you once were and enbrace her,, or him. I have done that, and I can tell you it opens the door to so much healing, so much compassion for yourself, something that YOU as an adult really need to move on.

    Especially those of us who have no parents that can embrace us and tell us how special we truly were.

    I don't know if having my own kids , all three precious ones of them, just makes me remember , even if I dont realize it...........that I do had that light in me. That feeling that what ever was done to you, whatever you went thru there was a spirit in you that should never go away.

    Even for those of us who are up in years, coming out of the borg in just the last two years , makes me feel , like a teen again. It makes me feel that even at the age I am now, not that old , but not that young, ready to face the past, and to finally heal and feel whole.

    So if you just want to, join me in remembering how the young little girls and boys we were,..... smiled, how we felt invinsible, and just how precious we really were.

    All my love to you all...............

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    I'm glad you were able to embrace the little girl you were. She was a very brave child who had to deal with situations beyond her years. It's like pieces of time, forever frozen, but alive in our memory.

    Okay Dede, I'll take you up on that offer. Tomorrow I'll post a couple. Until then, my avatar is my inner child. This was taken when he was 2 years old.

    BTW, all I see is the dreaded red X.

  • DFWnonJW

    I've been going through old photos to put on a site for my family to have access to them. It's strange just taking your pics and lining them up to see yourself through the years. So, like Big Tex, I'll take you up on that offer (or was it a challenge?) and post one or two as well.

    I should add, I was 4 and we lived in Palmdale CA. then. This is what happens when you transplant a Texan kid out to the strange land of southern CA. - playing cowboy and sailor at the same time! One year later my mom started studying and that changed everything.

  • Nosferatu

    Okay, I can do this. However, I'm not hugging that kid, he doesn't like hugs. Maybe just a word of assurance.

    ....all hail my black & white scanner!!

  • joannadandy
  • SanFranciscoJim
    Especially those of us who have no parents that can embrace us and tell us how special we truly were.

    I lost both of my parents within the past two years. I miss them both terribly. Thank you for a wonderful topic. The photo below was taken of me by my father in 1959 when I was 3 years old.

  • drwtsn32

    Hmm... Syrup and StinkyPantz, should I post my little boat pic? Nawwww....

  • LyinEyes

    Thanks to all of you who really understand what I am trying to do here... this is so much about some of the pain that I have been feeling, my mom's anniversary of her death Sept . 15 and my Dad's birthday will be Nov. 1.

    This was the man, that I loved so much.......with all of my heart , I just knew he was right next to Jesus , in line with God himself. I look at this picture and wish the man knew about email, so I could send him this picture of the daughter that worshipped him, that loved him and that depended on him when Mama couldn't take care of me. How I wish he knew,.... actually he does, I have told him time and again as an adult how much I needed him. NEEDED........... Aftter leaving the borg, leaving behind all of the baggage, including him, I was able to fill that void, with real friends, real loves. People who will not turn on me ,,,,,,,, whenever I bare my heart and soul, they will stand by me to the bitter end.

    But , it does help to go back and see these pictures and see the innocent love and respect that I once had for my Daddy. I truly do miss him ,,,,,and it is still a great loss to me ,,,even thou Mama is dead and can't hurt me anymore, or make things right, it hurts more that Daddy just moved to another state, and didnt let me know,,,,,,,,,,he has made the choice for 18 years to turn me away.

    I guess when the JW's say that you are dead to them, they really do mean it huh? I know , so many of you are going thru the same thing. My heart hurts so bad for all of you, as it does for that little girl holding on for her life with her Dad on that motorcycle , yet still happy , that at least she is with him. Too bad those days are gone,,,,,,,,,,,,,but for just a moment in time, she thought he was the world . That's ok, I am grown now and I know how kids think............ and it makes me want to be a BETTER parent, one that won't turn on a child because he has a new wife , a new life , even another daughter,,,,,,,,,,,But one that will tell my kids I expect them to be the very best they can be,,,,,,,,whatever that may be.... they can always come to me with anything and NOTHING,,,,,,,,,,, will take my love away from them........NOTHING...............NOT EVEN A GOD!!!!!!!!!!!

    All of the pictures you have posted and will post ,,,,,,,,,,, will touch so many , so deep inside , because so many of us , were robbed as children , ,,, being raised JW, suffering all kinds of abuse, yet............LOOK ,,,,,,,,,,,here we are,,,,,,,,,, SURVIORS......and pretty darn happy, thru it all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Keep on posting those beautiful little children you were.......... I know I for one , will treasure them, as I know many who read them will also.

    Love, Dede

  • frenchbabyface

    I have no pics of me when I was I child (some people maybe have some but I don't)

    But this old pic reminds me
    how happy Anthony and I were when we've got our first home

    And this on (still Anthony) I like it very much because
    you can see on this pic that he is a dreamer ... just like me !!!

  • frenchbabyface

    And this on (still Anthony) I like it very much because
    you can see on this pic that he is a dreamer ... just like me !!!

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