Why does satan do gods will of seperating the sheep by providing temptation? Surely it would be better to turn everyone into JWs and make Gods job harder? If Satan wants everyone to worship him, why isn't he just nice instead of supposedly making life so damned hard in the "last days"? If Satan has read the bible and the watchtower, he knows his days are numbered, so why does he not say sorry to Jehovah? If Satans' behaviour is prophesied, then it is also predestined. If it is predestined, then he has no free will to stop it, even if he wanted to. Shouldn't we therefore feel sorry for Satan? If Satans' behaviour is predetermined, and it is also prophesied that not all will get through armageddon, ergo not everyone on earth has free will. As such, it seems a tad cruel to kill all none JWs? Finally, on a slightly different note but following the thread, what if everyone became JWs? Would there still be persecution before the end? answers on a postcard
Is satan stupid?
by carcroft congregation 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
This won't answer your question but just want to say it :
"satan" is a NIGHTMARE !!! (it's all in our head) we are just lucky or not ! -
All good questions. You are starting to see that the wt/christian emperor is missing some clothes. Where would they be without an enemy, a scapegoat?
Wether there is a devil or not.The problem is jws blame everthing on Satan.If you do something wrong it's Satan,if you get angry it's Satan etc.Instead of blaming themselves for being human they feel something had to make them have this emotion or outburst.Satan always takes the blame for peoples human side slipping from the watchtower.I do believe there is a devil but i take responsibility for my actions .Jws have this mentality( THE DEVIL MADE ME DO IT). KLS
As a JW, I found Satan to be way too convenient of an excuse.
I also thought that the problem wasn't with Satan, it was with Jehovah. Jehovah had too many stupid, inhuman, unnecessary, petty and silly rules, most of which would deprive you of everlasting life if not followed.
Satan's job was easy.
Something just doesn't jive.
Adam and eve taught their offspring ALL they knew about Jehovah and of course......Satan.
Or did she teach her offspring about Satan, and did their offspring teach about Satan?
It seems odd that he was NEVER mentioned in the O.T. scriptures ......he being the BIGGEST and MOST POWERFULL enemy of God doesn't it? Do you think the jews really believed in him? Why didn't they mention him?
A Paduan
Is satan stupid?
I think you could say that - fell like a star - used to be pretty bright but became dark minded, yet somehow remained proud of himself - or as you say, stupid.
There's a media promoted belief that being deviant is being stupid, but the smartest deviate from the norm. Being stupid is being in the dark, like the 'devil and his angels', kept in the dark simply by not being given to see the light.
Is it satan's fault that he is dark minded and continually goes against the will of God?
I ask, who's fault is it that a jw refuses to listen - what is it that keeps them chained in the dark ?
Yep, I'm convinced that Satan and his minions are stupid. They can't bug you unless you make the first move... like listen to heavy metal, watch Smurfs, or play with a ouija board. Those activities "invite" the demons to bother you.... they're too dumb to come bug you without an invitation.
Satan was created perfect/ Therefore he knows exactly what he is doing.
Satan was created perfect/ Therefore he knows exactly what he is doing.
So I guess anything that is made perfect has nothing new to learn then? Adam knew everything right after he was created eh?
So Satan knows what he's doing, but god didn't know what god was doing in creating a perfect spirit that god KNEW would turn on him. ( god DID know that didn't he?) Thats like me building a house and living in it knowing full well it's going to collapse eventually. Real smart! Gumby