How long can this cult remain with only kids becoming members?

by Crazyguy 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • joe134cd

    I can understand what your saying there steve2. For someone who left the religion much later than you, it wasn't until I started visiting apostate Web sites that I realized the attrition rate was as high as it was.

  • slimboyfat

    I think we may see actual decline within the next couple of years. Last year's worldwide growth was only 1.5% which must be one of the lowest growth figures ever.

    A key indicator may be the age profile of JWs. I've only been to two meetings in the last three years but it struck me how old everyone is now at the Kingdom Hall. It's the same people just getting older. There is no new generation, or very few, coming up to replace them.

    The results from the Pew Research Centre show JWs getting older between 2007 and 2014. It's a well studied phenomenon that an increasingly older age profile of religious groups and decline in numbers go hand in hand. And the increase in average age often precedes the decline phase and then proceeds in tandem with it. On this basis I think that JWs will soon begin to decline and that their average age will continue to increase at the same time.

    What I think will be really interesting to watch is how JWs manage decline. How will they cope with it psychologically, considering they've long claimed that growth in members was the reason Jehovah is delaying Armageddon. How will they cope organisationally with closing congregations and consolidating. In fact they are already doing that. But the process of losing congregations may speed the decline further.

  • stuckinarut2

    It's ironic that the growth of numbers mainly comes from born-ins....

    Yet the society over the decades has often encouraged couples to remain childless to "put the kingdom interest first"

    If witnesses had actually listened to that "direction", they wouldn't have the numbers they have today!

  • sparrowdown

    I think they realize their mistake at not providing child specific indoctrination before now claiming that children need to listen along with their parents to the same material whether it was age appropriate or not - hence, the birth of the Caleb and Sophia characters but it's all too little too late.

    Not that I think it bothers them they are busy prepping for the GT anyway, they have assets to liquidate, bunkers to build, hot-tubs to install and cases of champagne to buy.

  • skin

    The assembly I was at the other weekend had 640 people in attendance with 0 baptized.

    But on the other hand, what about those returning? Last 12 months along our congregation of around 70 pubs has had at least 4 people return to the org. Thinking back last 24 months there was at least one other person return. Over this time no one has left that I am aware of.

    Are other congregations getting more numbers returning vs those getting baptized?

  • NewYork44M

    Keep in mind, they want a smaller group of faithful followers. The value of a new follower is less than zero. Each new follower creates risks. The organization is doing fine making money off real estate. They need just enough followers to allow them the tax benefits of a religious organization. Any more than the minimum just creates contingent liabilities.

  • kairos

    I had the same thought as above: that the advice not to have children was ignored by some ( most ).

    I know many including myself that 'chose' not to have children because of how close to the end we were...


    I have no children as a direct result of my becoming a JW.
    ( Listened, obeyed, not blessed )

  • steve2

    But on the other hand, what about those returning? Last 12 months along our congregation of around 70 pubs has had at least 4 people return to the org. Thinking back last 24 months there was at least one other person return. Over this time no one has left that I am aware of.

    Seldom do those returning recapture zeal; they go through the motions to get back and, once back, find it hard to maintain. Also, how many of those returning do it for family reasons (i.e., to stop the shunning).

  • EndofMysteries

    I've heard from inside family complain8ng that they find interested ones and set up a bible study then never hear from them again. I think they probably look up jws online and find places like this site and run for the hills.

  • Xanthippe

    Real estate is a very steady business and it's the one they're in now. Do they really care about new members anymore. Buying and selling land and property can keep them going for years and they can blame the low baptisms on persecution in these last days.

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