Some dubs have complained about receiving rotten food and not receiving the same (or close to) the amount that some others have received (i.e., elduhs, MSs, RPs, plus popular dubs getting the best poultry, seafood, pasta, desserts, etc., while non-populars getting rotten vegetables and very few canned goods). Although, the Borg is "providing" the above, there are always going to be folks who are taking this "endeavor" personally and give what they want to give to certain ones while others suffer. (Hopefully, the sufferers will wake up and eventually leave!)
Breaking: PIMI wife getting food basket from farms to table via WT society
by goingthruthemotions 20 Replies latest jw experiences
Just potatoes, carrots, apples and onions.
I saw the bag a friend got. For their family it consisted of 1 onion, 2 apples, 2 small potatoes, and 1 cup of beans. I guess if some water, salt, pepper, a little stew meat, celery, some garlic, the potatoes, beans, and onion might make a passable stew. The friend did mention that they were reminded how loving Gee-HO'-Vuh was to provide the food through direction of the governing body, and that it was "training for the future GT when we will have to survive on only the bare minimum, and thanks could be shown by an online donation." Sick S.O.B's
Hello Fedup and Hiddleswife, you do know that the BORG is not directly giving these worthless donations to the sheeple from the own stock.
These donations are coming from Farms to Table government program. This Government program provides to religious origanizations the qualify as a 501c3 organizations. Which the WT does, because they don't pay taxes and claim to donate to help people. Which we know they don't, so inturn the govenments give them food to distribute.
so these items are coming from the evil government.
Witnesses are so pathetic, they bite the hand that feeds them. i.e. medicad, medicare, free food, food stamps, sociol security etc........
PIMI, POMI, GB anyone who follows this cult are so misguided. I hate this cult.
Hi all this is the organization by the way "Farms to Famillies"
Is there any "paper" trail proving WT is part of the program? The friend claimed that the branch told CO's to tell the elders to BUY the produce and divide it out and distribute. They even claimed that two elders spent hundreds of extra dollars of their own money buying meat.
A written verification of WT doing what we all know pretty well to be the case would be nice to show the sheeple.
hello FedUpJW,
i hate to say this, but my wife knows its not from the ORG. thats all that matters to me. My children know it's a cult thats all that matters.
Could really give to shites about the rest of people in.
HiddlesWifea day ago
Some dubs have complained about receiving rotten food and not receiving the same (or close to) the amount that some others have received (i.e., elduhs, MSs, RPs, plus popular dubs getting the best poultry, seafood, pasta, desserts, etc., while non-populars getting rotten vegetables and very few canned goods). Although, the Borg is "providing" the above, there are always going to be folks who are taking this "endeavor" personally and give what they want to give to certain ones while others suffer. (Hopefully, the sufferers will wake up and eventually leave!)
It would be fun to call out the ones taking the good stuff and passing on just the wilted produce to others.
Something like " Do you think this was how the manna was distributed?"
When Revelation spoke of "new" scrolls being opened....would underhanded behavior towards lesser ones in the time of the end be something mentioned in those scrolls hmm?
Alright, I admit,,, I'm just having fun being sarcastic. - a trait of mine that was never fully appreciated in my time spent in the Org I don't believe.
P.S. I used to have a lot of interest in researching that particular bit of interpretive nonsense on the part of the FDS of those "new scrolls". I see we have an old thread on the topic here
I got a call from an elder last night. He was very specific telling me NOT to tell a single soul about where the food box comes from. I asked him if the "branch" gave a reason as why to keep it secret. He said, no there wasn't but that some of the friends could reason that the other JW friends dropped it off, which would be true he said, they will be dropping it off. Then he said that other people might just tell their unbelieving mates that they just got some produce.
Lying for Jah. SHAME.
Oh, also, he said that the friends aren't even supposed to say anything between themselves, even though everyone knows about it.
The "Farm" isn't into it in a big enough way to provide all of this stuff!