I Hate the Sound of the Word Jehovah

by cofty 71 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    in any case--hebrew was written backwards

    so--YHWH should be pronounced HWHY----which in ameriglish is HUGHIE.

    yeah--HUGHIE-GOD sounds better

  • jookbeard
    detest the word also, refuse to even pronounce it
  • cappytan
    Until your attacked by demons, the WORD comes in pretty handy. I've been attacked several times, believe me it sucks. I find salvation in that word.

    Sorry to derail the thread, but WTF is that BS quoted above?

    BrokenBonez: you need to get some mental help. There are no such thing as actual "demons." What you experienced wasn't real...it was all in your head.

  • tiki
    For me it is the way they have taken it upon themselves that they and they alone have this God. The name far predates their religion and to me whether or not it is an accurate rendition of the ancient Hebrew is immaterial at this point in time. That said, I do also have an issue with using it and I am certain it is due to negative conditioning.
  • Diogenesister
    Until your attacked by demons, the WORD comes in pretty handy. I've been attacked several times, believe me it sucks. I find salvation in that word.
    Sorry to derail the thread, but WTF is that BS quoted above?
    BrokenBonez: you need to get some mental help. There are no such thing as actual "demons." What you experienced wasn't real...it was all in your head.

    Cappy...Just sprayed me tea....LOL...I was trying to studiously ignore it!

  • tornapart
    I find if I have to say the word to family or friends, it almost gets stuck in my throat. I never think of God with that name anymore.. I think of Him as Father in my own mind. When I hear it, it makes me feel very uncomfortable, especially when used in conjunction with 'organisation' ... that makes me feel physically sick.
  • Divergent
    I wonder what would happen if I move next door to Cofty & blast kingdom melodies all day...
  • cultBgone

    @DataDog - On the other hand, I love Jeehoober, Jay-hoobar, Jeehobo, Jeehoobidoob and Jeehoover!

    And let's not forget one of our Hispanic friend's fave: Jahlapeno!

  • truthseeker100
    Like I said before hatred is a foreign concept with me.
  • Simon

    The worse pronunciation was the overly enunciated version during the bible dramas when someone "righteous" was being "earnest".

    It would be:

    "Please Jeeee [pause] Hoooohhh [stretch it out] vah"

    Arrgh. Flashbacks !!

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