Avoiding df by threatening suicide!

by avishai 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pistoff

    Words just fail a person when trying to describe how far removed this is from the way Jesus looked at things. It is, however, right up the Pharisees' alley, and the control and manipulation they loved.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    After a lifetime of abuse that they knew about, including the abuse from my elder/husband I was very suicidal. That didn't stop them from DFing me.

    And there had been a couple of other suicides in my area (not same cong) around the same time. Didn't seem to have any effect on them though

  • shamus

    Isn't it sad, Lady Lee? They will stop at nothing.

  • talesin

    Back in the 70s ...

    One of the boys I pioneered with (we were all about 17/18) was what people would call a bit 'effeminate'. I never thought much of it. Didn't really know what gay was back then. He had grown up in a single-parent home, dad abandoned them cause of the lie when he was a baby. His mom was very domineering of him, very 'strong' JW. He had no other family. He lived alone.

    He was a sweet young man. Very kind and loving. The other boys made fun of him behind his back.

    No one had seen him for a few days.

    One day his super smelled an odour coming from his apartment.

    He had hung himself - he was gay and could not face DF.

    GD M*s

    They must have known, it was a small town.

    They wouldn't even bury him.

    That was the beginning of the end for me. I hated 'them' after that.

    'They' don't care about anyone.

    I'm sorry, Mark, I didn't understand. I finally got to say it.

    So no, I don't think threatening suicide would help in some congs.

  • shamus


    This is the epitomy of sad. Yet, sadly, this happens all the time, I bet.

    There was another thead about about suicides... it waas a very sad thread indeed. Just as sad as this one.

    There must be justice.. there must be a reason for all this.... those people have millstones around their necks, I can assure you... the ones who did not care.

  • gumby

    First of all.......nobody can say WHAT an elder body might do. Every hall has different elders, with different intelligence levels, and this scenario cannot be said to work or not work in any given situation.

    I say.....what have you got to lose in trying it? It's only words. I think it a good idea as a response one could use......or at least as a backup.


  • wheres caleb?
    wheres caleb?

    It's easy for JW's to take a hard line on issues like this because they have lost all their humanity; if they ever had any to begin with. Their judicious position is backed by their 'black-and-white' interpretation of the scriptures. Is it any wonder that the only witnesses that receive any praise on this forum, are the ones who demonstrate true humanity? They dish out the rules, cling to their routines, and think they know what they are talking about when they go to their meetings. They are willing to be loyal to precepts and ignore the example of Jesus himself. To them, 'door knocking', is imitating Jesus. They are bumbling fools whose authority comes from double-standards and politics.

    I know this elder that complained to me about a situation that he was involved in. He, with the others in the judicial committee, had come to the conclusion that some individuals should be disfellowshipped. (A JWism) The party in question appealed and that action disturbed him. Those assigned to the case were Bethel elders from Watchtower Farm, and their conclusion was to absolve them of whatever it was that put them in this situation. My elder friend was infuriated because he felt undermined. As it turned out, the party in question had threatened to sue and that was the issue that made this committee back off.

    What is clear to me is: don't threaten to commit suicide, these people have proven themselves to be heartless. (I want to say it again, "Heartless!") Threaten to sue, and you will definitely get their attention.

  • metatron

    I know I shouldn't say this but if every DF'd person followed the example of Madame DuBarry

    I think we'd have very few df'ings.

    She was a noblewoman during the French revolution with a reputation for being kind, She was condemned anyway

    by men typical of Watchtower heartlessness. She screamed in terror and fought thru the whole ordeal of going to the

    guillotine. The crowds , who cheered the death of other aristocrats, got embarassed by the whole spectacle.

    It's felt the incident helped bring an end to the Reign of Terror.

    Suppose the police complained that every Judicial Committee brought them in to break up a fist fight?

    It just amazes me that we haven't heard more stories - not about suicide - but about physical resistance

    justified by the callousness manifested.


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    I'm sure they have a "way around" this tactic.....they can just "mark" a person in a manner which will cause others to shun them anyway....it's just like being df'd....

    Frannie B

  • Jim Dee
    Jim Dee

    They don't care

    They enforce the rules without compassion, dogma without dignity and punish with glee - it keeps the others in line

    I've been with this lot for 35 years - 12 of them as an elder.

    Rule number one - no-one cares. I'f you've attempted suicide they will publicy reprove you and tell you to go more on the work (big help), if you've been disfellowshipped then "its in Gods hands - but Jehovah won't show compassion because the one who committed suicide turned his/her back on Jehovah.

    In your congregation - How many depressed, mentally ill, suicidal people do the elders visit to try and offer practical help - answer NONE


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