Sometimes I feel like I am fighting the world and wonder what I am fighting for...does anyone else ever feel that way?
What are you fighting for?
by Happythoughts 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Mostly I feel gassy.
Oh sorry--no. I don't like to "fight". I don't think life is a battle with winners and losers. While I have passionate emotions about a lot of things, I don't feel like it's me against the world. I dunno--what was the question again?
well, i like to make out... and stuff... does that count
i fight to keep my virginity all the time. Go Virgins! Jesus Saves! Thank you!
we gotta fight for the right to party
*smiles* ever thought of farting?
Stacy Smith
Hey Moe I like to make out... and stuff.... too.
It's not thinking about farting that is dangerous.....
Stacy Smith
no farting around open flames
Thunder Rider
I feel that way every day. Thunder versus the powers that be. Why?? I think I fight things because I need to understand why there is injustice. I need to be shown why the wicked seem to "have it all" while "good" people struggle to just get by. I want to find and know the right way to live and show others. I will never yeild to complacancy and laziness. Knowing now that my time on this rock in finite, I strive to make the most of the time I have. I fight for me and mine, family and friends.
Know what though??? It doesn't seem a chore to me. I enjoy the fight, I live for the day and in hopes that the fight will go on for a long time cause when its over its over, you're dead, and that's gonna suck.