I am employed with the Federal Government and we are a new branch so we are in the midst of setting up donations for charity to be donated through our paychecks. Anyway, I volunteered to be a coordinator for the CFC (Combined Federal Campaign) In which I was encouraging people to give some out of their paycheck to a charity of their choice..I have to admit I had flashbacks of being in field service while doing this..lol I will say that I asked a few JW's that worked there and they didn't give *knows where their money goes. Or maybe it was because they know I'm Df'ed *raises eyebrow. It was fun asking them anyway. I know that when my stepfather was terminal several years ago that Hospice helped out and I had a cousin that was also terminal and she was given a trained dog from Paws for Cause. There are more that I know have benefited without even donating so I thought this was a worthy thing to volunteer for. There were allot of great charities to choose from. I was wondering... Do you donate to a charity or have you benefited from a charity?
by noidea 19 Replies latest jw friends
RAINN(Rape Abuse and Incest National Network) is definitely my charity of choice.
It helps so many women each year by getting them the help they need to deal with the issues, and after effects of rape and abuse.
Just starting to consider the standard charities; I have given for years to Clean Water Action, a group that is a watchdog org, for clean water and air legislation. Also have been involved with Habitat.
Been there
I always give to the Red Cross. They are at all disasters, you name it. They get severly depleted when several things are going on at once.
No and no...but I do donate my time, but not money.
This is one of the first things I did as an ex-dub. I've donated both time and money. I've organized events to raise funds. I've directed my donations to "health" organizations/causes because our family has been effected by health problems. I love it. It makes me feel good to add to society.
I've often wondered why this is such a big "no-no"... is it unspoken? Was there ever an article discouraging giving to charities? I don't know of any active dubs who have ever given,
I've often wondered why this is such a big "no-no"...
I think the reasoning that many JW's don't give is because they feel their money is better spent in the organization to proclaim the TROOF. In their defense there are many people that feel that many charities are a scam. A little time and research and you can find a good cause.
I recently got the opportunity to meet and work with a woman who is doing exactly what I would love to do, charity-wise. She is volunteering and organizing volunteers for the neonatal unit at a local hospital. I'd seen the need for this years ago, when I worked for a day in a neonatal unit doing photography, and saw that out of 10 or more babies, only one had a family member there with it; there at it's most vulnerable point in life. Anyway, she's promised to let me help! She's motivated by the Spirit, so this should be interesting (actually, she's a great person in spite of all that spirit dripping off of her).
i dont know if this counts, but i sponsor a woman in afghanistan....which basically means i give her money, sponsor her to enroll in some basic classes, correspond with her, etc. not much, admittedly, but i feel better doing a little something than nothing
Oh, Tinks post reminded me; I recently got pictures of the child I sponser in China. He's doing great!