Sometimes they do something caring...

by jws 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • TresHappy

    I knew many caring JW's when you were in the organization.

  • RunningMan

    I know many nice JWs. They can be caring and supportive.

    Unfortunately, their caring and support is conditional. It can be switched off like a light, if you are in disfavor. So, do they really care for YOU? or do they care for you simply because it supports their organization?

    There is an old saying that "a friend in need is a friend indeed". Well, if you are not in good standing with the congregation, they revoke their friendship. They are not really your friend.

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    This guy seems to be one of the favored in the congregation. They will bend over backwards when someone has some sort of position of power within the congregation or circuit.

    Sounds like they are trying to use this persons misfortunes just to suck up to someone who has a little power.

  • jws
    I can think of three people like that I knew when I was a JW 25 years ago. Their hearts were in the right place, and they genuinely cared about the welfare of others.

    I think my dad was one of those. One of the few things I did find out about my dad's secret elder life is that he got pretty emotional in an elder meeting over the congregation sending flowers to a funeral because the deceased person wasn't in favor. I forget whether it was just a case of not being baptised (but otherwise participating) or if it was a spouse or something. My dad felt it was the right thing for the congregation to do to show love. Most of the rest of the elders didn't and I think my dad let them have it. I think that eventually led to his dismissal as an elder. In one fell swoop we went from about 12 elders to 6. As for the flowers, I think my dad wound up getting them anyway and paying out of his own pocket. I certainly hope he took it out of his contributions.

    My dad also continues to talk to me, even though he knows I'm "apostate" and we all know the rules are getting stricter. As long as we don't talk religion, we're OK with each other.

  • xjw_b12

    Gall Darn you Nathan...why do you always have to piss on the parade.

    It is true, there is, and always will be acts of true love within JWism, and the people who perform them, are the ones who most need rescuing.


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