On another post on this site it tells you that the watchtower is selling the bethel in greece ???
The watchtower does not have the resources part two
by pepperheart 13 Replies latest watchtower bible
They've downsized or eliminated many bethels so this is just one more in the mix. They, obviously, don't need it anymore but it doesn't prove they've gone bust -- unfortunately.
Brokeback Watchtower
I think we can safely say the Watchtower Corporation is getting out of the printing of religious rubbish business to save money as nobody of the general public wants to read their delusional end of the world crap.
They should have been downsizing their printing business long ago but they were too busy fantasizing about the end of the world to take notice of an irreversible downward trend of profitability that no doubt started with the invention of the internet. I bet they sold a lot of printing presses for scrap metal as nobody wants them.
Trying to make a buck using free slave labor to build a real estate empire globally they had to leave off many building projects because as Stephan Letts says doing the math these financial geniuses found out they were over extending themselves and so left them half finished to stem the negative cash flow. Lett makes no mention of legal costs fighting lawsuits and the millions of buck$ they have lost in child molestation lawsuits and expect to loss in the near future.
Yes the WTS needs more money so that the GB men can fly around the world and get treated like royally celebrities.
Oh yes they want to build more tennis courts at Wallkill HQ
The truth is the WTS has never been richer than anytime in its history , but the loving bullshit handed out to the flock keeps flowing.
God bless the Watchtower publishing house.
They've already built a huge, profitable real estate empire. No reason to hang on to employees and branches not making profit for them. 100% smart business decision. Rolling in money and can't spend it fast enough.
On another post on this site it tells you that the watchtower is selling the bethel in greece ???
I think there's more to the story than simply not having resources. I think that they are liquidating assets. Something's cooking.
Brokeback Watchtower
No reason to hang on to employees and branches not making profit for them.
This is very true of Kingdom halls too. I think they will prefer to sell KHs that are not sending them enough money to substantiate their keeping them, a kind of triage of save the top money makers for last. As the contributions continue to nosedive and meeting attendance keeps dropping, we should see the pace pick up of KHs put on the real estate market.
The question is: how long can WT keep up this ever increasing rate before they go belly up?
Also another reason they are unloading lots of real estate is to give the courts a low balling financial figure to avoid huge pay outs to child molestation lawsuits.