by Blueblades 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Blueblades

    Hey Watchtower! It's coming up to 90 years since 1914 and the visible,oops,invisible presence of Christ's Kingdom???It's coming up to 80 years since 1925 and millions now living will never die???

    It's coming up to 30 years since 1975 and who will conquer the world in the 1970's

    It's coming up to 4 years since Paul spearheaded a preaching work that would end last century by the year 2,000???Although it's been about 2,000 years since he spearheaded that work,that you promised would end before the last century would end?

    So, why the pressure to do more,to preach more?What's the next valid date,where is the new light promised since the restructuring of the Society that would free up the Governing Body to focus on feeding the flock new light and hopes and assurances that the new order,paradise will soon be here?

    I have been checking all the articles released,the mags etc.I am still in the dark,what do you have to do to get some new light,hope and reassurance,where is the new order,when is paradise expected to be here.Don't tell me soon,I need you to be specific,I got a lot riding on you.I am one of the millions now living that you promised would see paradise.I'm 60 years old now,been serving for over 30 years.

    My imaginary letter to the Governing Body that I know they will never read or respond to.


  • xjw_b12

    Good points BlueBlades. At least someone is keeping track !

    And to add.....What happened to "The King of the North" ???

  • jayhawk1

    Have you not heard this speculation? A man in the local congregation has it all figured out and has been writing the society for years with the new date. Now follow this logic:

    1975 was the end of 6,000 years occording to them. Now, King David was not made king over Israel until he was 30. Jesus was not given "Holy Spirit" until he was baptized at the age of 30. Adam was not given a wife until he became "of age" and that is according to Jewish tradition 30 years old. The curse in the Garden of Eden was made because the woman sinned first, the 6,000 years should be based on her creation, not Adam's. Now take 1975 and add 30 years, what do you get, 2005.

    Ding, ding, ding, we have a new winner! I think the only thing keeping them from anointing this date is many still remember what happened in 1975, if it happened again the society would dry up and go away.

    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."--J.F. Rutherford.

  • Simon

    No, that wouldn't do:

    Any date needs to be at lest 10 years in the future so that they can push it back nearer the time or gradually diminish the emphasis and the people will have been in long enough to be trapped by friends and family.

  • rocketman

    The King of The North is a stumper for them right now, as are all the dates and speculations.

    My theory - the King of The North is the soon-to-be world power of Luxemborg, Estonia, and Latvia - a Northern Bloc of power that will surely wreak havoc and challenge US supremacy.

  • Nosferatu

    I've got my bets on 2014. An asteroid is supposed to hit the earth that year. I wonder if they'll have a memorial Watchtower: Christ's Invisible 100 year Presence. To Jehovah, Jesus has been invisibly present for only about 2 1/2 hours. So since we're living in Jehovah's day, Armageddon will come between 1914 and 2914. Millions now living may still die.

  • Dansk
    Millions now living may still die.

    Millions now living will DEFINITELY die! The important point is that we don't lie about it!!


  • caspian

    Excellent point that shows very simply what a false prophet I used to worship.


    Do I feel stupid or what.

  • xjw_b12


    Here is another method of arriving at the year 2005. This information was passed onto me from my dad, via an article I believe that originated with MacGregor Ministries.

    The WTBTS has been postulating over the past few years, that since the 'number of those truly annointed' was sealed in 1935, and the great crowd was "identified" in that year, and the biblical generation is 70 years, that generation will end in 2005.

    Anybody holding their breath ?

  • Blueblades

    Because of the dating of the due time,all those years,many have gone after the Society,myself included.

    If only I had understood LUKE 21:8,"He ( Jesus )said:"Look out that you are not misled;for many will come on the basis of my name,saying,I am he,and The due time has approached.DO NOT GO AFTER THEM. ( I could of saved my family from 30 odd years of soon,soon,soon.)

    Any group or person that even hints that the due time has approached, to you,DO NOT ,DO NOT,GO AFTER THEM!

    So,90 YEARS,80 YEARS,2005,2014,ANY HINT OF DATING THE DUE TIME.Such as the Watchtower has been doing and is still doing so with the clever word--SOON---means that Jesus does not sanction them,do not go after them ,Jesus does not go after them,so why should we .But,of cause,I'm only imagining all of this.


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