Is there ANYTHING at all you think the borg was right about?

by BLISSISIGNORANCE 14 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Nosferatu

    I might get shit on for this one, but the Society somewhat had the right idea with the man being the head of the household. Before all you women jump all over me, let me explain.

    The problem is the Society had generalized this statement. They give lousy examples of how men act as heads of the household. This also helps give birth to spousal abuse.

    In my dating experience, women respond very well to men who have direction, who know exactly where they are going and what to do. They respond to men who have confidence and leadership.

    Now, let me ask you single women a question: Doesn't it piss you off when a guy asks you out on a date and he doesn't even know what he wants to do? He asks you what YOU want to do, and you say "I don't know" and you both kinda sit there throwing ideas into the air. Women don't respond well to weak men.

    Too bad the Society couldn't get this down properly.

  • Aztec

    I was taught to treat all races equally. For that I am thankfull! Or maybe I just have decent parents?


  • RubaDub

    I would definitely have to agree that the upholding of moral issues is a VERY good thing.

    I disagree with the enforcement and micro-management of the details but the basics are good: Not to lie, cheat, steal, divorce, smoke, get drunk, etc.

    If things would be left at that level, I see no problem and many would benefit. But when every detail is dicated from the platform (or somewhere up the chain), then clearly something has gone really wrong. In real estate they say "location, location, locaation;" in the borg it's "control, control, control."

    ***** Rub a Dub

  • foreword

    Aztec....I agree with you there....

    I don't think I would have been a racist even if I wouldn't have been a witness, but it did show me that we are equal as humans. Too much of that racism shit going on today, IMO, and probably the reason for so much chaos and hate. We all have one brain, and are made pretty much the same except for skin color. No one can claim to be better or superior.

    I've been out for 20 years, and from what I read the witnesses seem to have changed quite a bit. At the time, they did support a moral lifestyle and an allegiance to god. Nothing wrong with that.

    The problem is always at the top. Men who are afraid to admit they are wrong cause they would lose power and authority. Today, it is too late for apologies or to make amends, and as time goes by, they are falling further away from what should be a christ like attitude.

    Haughtiness before the fall? I hope so, cause the ones at the bottom really need a breath of fresh air and be released from the yoke of fake christianity.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Until I began to "surf" the internet and got the "wool" removed from my eyes, I thought they were right about some things....but not now.....they're definitely a lyin', cheatin', abusive/control-freakin' the worst way....

    Frannie B

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