Well, I've been lurking for a bit. First out of cautious curiosity, then, though feeling a bit more comfortable to post, got caught in the confirmation email anomaly, and left unable to post or participate. So I remained lurking, reading and researching. I appreciate much of what I've read here, some of it quite eye opening and sobering, while a small portion may be perhaps a bit far fetched for me. I can say my experience as a JW wasn't a horrible one, though I did experience some things others("worldly people") find hard to fathom. Definitely things that quite a number of you here can relate to, as I have been able to relate to many of your experiences. In talking personally with other exjw's I find that their experiences and traumas, attributed to their tenure as a witness, vary, depending on the congregation they attended, the location they lived, the personalities of the elders, their fellow "Brothers and Sisters", and their own personalities. I feel for those with much more traumatic experiences than I.
Having recently watched the Leah Remini special on JW's I was pleased to see it presented in such a down to earth way, where it was honest and true to the belief system, but not in a "we've got an axe to grind" sort of way. It was sincere, and I can appreciate that.
Anyway, it's been endearing reading some of your thoughts and experiences on here. Some very brave souls who have endured some harsh consequences as a result of leaving. Perhaps one day in the near future I will share some of my story. Until then, I will continue to enjoy reading yours and perhaps comment here and there, from the shadows where I feel most comfortable at the moment.