What were some of the stupidest places either you or another JW have left tracts or magazines, hoping someone will find it and want a bible study?
Stupid places to leave magazines & tracts
by Nosferatu 28 Replies latest jw friends
Nathan Natas
Leave them in place of toilet paper at highway rest stops.
Remove whatever toilet paper is present to motivate the potential convert to consider the Watchtower point of view.
I know people left them in the oddest places. One woman I know left the magazines in a local doctor's office. He came UNGLUED when he saw the magazines and wrote a long letter the Society. We were admonished "to get the doctor's permission" before leaving them. Other than the usual laundrymat or phone booth, I don't remember leaving them anywhere bizarre. I know some pioneers used to drive all over town and count time so they could get their time in by leaving magazines at various places. I look back at that and wonder "WHY DID I DO THIS STUPID STUFF?"
I took a boxload of really old mags to school once to leave in the library. It was embarrising when they announced from the platform that I had placed 60 magazines during the month and everyone clapped. Mind you, 60 magazines and about 2 hours service didnt really add up, but no one questioned it.
I had a friend who tossed a magazine onto the seat of a parked convertible once. LOL
Another time, I was with another friend trying to get to this 2nd story apartment that was on top of a garage...we circled the garage several times and found no way of reaching the top, no doors (besides the garage doors of course), no doorbells, anything. But on the 2nd story balcony we could see their door open and they were probably inside enjoying a nice spring breeze. My friend rolled up the magazines with a rubberband and tossed it right up through their door. LOL Hopefully he didn't break anything!
Both times I was so embarrassed.