Will the Great Distress survive only JW ?!
by Sergey Antonov 11 Replies latest watchtower bible
Sergey Antonov
The Russian version says: "Only if a person is consecrated to God, baptized and will serve Him, he can be saved during the great tribulation (Matthew 24:13)."
When I asked the members of the meeting: does this mean that only active Jehovah's Witnesses will survive the Great Catastrophe? They insistently insisted that no! That God will not kill sincere people. And that he will bring all those whom he pleases to the organization.
APRIL 30-JUNE 3, 2018 © 2017 Biblical Deviation Society Watch Tower from Pennsylvania
What do you think about this?
Why get baptized if your chance for survival does not increase? Why be a JW at all? All you get for your trouble is a chance at “being in line” to maybe get marked for survival??
Data-Dog - "Why get baptized if your chance for survival does not increase? Why be a JW at all? All you get for your trouble is a chance at 'being in line' to maybe get marked for survival?"
I remember when I first realized that.
Sergey Antonov
Jehovah's Witnesses believe that if a person has heard about "truth", but did not become a Witness of Jehovah, then he will perish. And all those who for objective reasons could not "know the truth" - will survive.
Although on the official website they write that they do not have the right to decide who will survive the great Disaster.
how about Jesus saying even a glass of water, or like the Russians would say salt and chleba will give you the prophets award?.
WT has been scaring its serfs with the great Catastrophe for more then a century, must hate it that all the dead overlappers will get a resurrection of the unrighteous.
I think that a lot of the Witnesses believe that Jehovah will save only His People. But they don't come out and say it because it sounds so arrogant, and the WT hasn't quite said that. But a lot of the articles point this direction in such a way as to make a person draw their own conclusion.
If I don't get to have a 'chance' at making it into the new system and my entire being gets zapped out and have no consciousness why would I care if I make it into the new system or not? I won't exist and will not be able to bemoan the fact that I didn't join the jw's.
Why would anyone want to live forever in a jw system of things? eww, shudder........
stillin - "...they don't come out and say it because it sounds so arrogant, and the WT hasn't quite said that..."
Borderline offensive, actually, but I think they do it more as a technical get-out-of-jail-free card.
stillin - "...a lot of the articles point this direction in such a way as to make a person draw their own conclusion."
More like they rhetorically thump you over the head with a self-leading narrative that practically forces you to come to their conclusion.
carla - "If I don't get to have a 'chance' at making it into the new system and my entire being gets zapped out and have no consciousness why would I care if I make it into the new system or not? I won't exist and will not be able to bemoan the fact that I didn't join the JWs..."
It's the prospect of nonexistence that freaks them out.
Not all that different from fear of eternal torment in Hell, though, IMO.
carla - "...Why would anyone want to live forever in a JW system of things?"
Particularly considering they've stated - in no uncertain terms - that they intend to
governrule the planet in their New System.