The information age , Dam inter-net
The biggest issue the Society has to face.
by nicolaou 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I like your take on this Nic.
Look at what J Rutherford did during those long years of his power struggle. Three quarters of the Bible Students left but they still survived. In my opinion once you pass a certain number of members the religion is self perpetuating. Perhaps there are examples of religions that faded away for whatever reason but once you get to WTS size the most that could happen is shrinkage and or fragmentation.
JW's don't want their freedom and they accept the WT yoke willingly. They don't want personal reponsibility, that is WHY they let the WT tell them what they need to do. The problem is with the followers and until they desire personal freedom it doesn't matter how many time Jehoobah changes the rules for the Governing Body. It looks like about 1-2% of the population can be fooled by these false prophets. No amount of education can teach this group how to become critical thinkers- logic and reason fails to reach them. I know, I have tried many times. However, they will leave the KH when they become unhappy and that is what the slave has to worry about, disgruntled JW's. No doubt they had this in mind when they eliminated the bookstudy meeting. JW's were so pleased that Jehoobah gave them an extra night a week to watch TV. What will he think of next?
I feel the reason the organisation self-perpetuates is the revolving door membership strategy.
The leaders are happy with massive heavy lifting by the rank and file to recruit one new person - 15 years publishing per baptism....
So long as they show modest growth they are recruiting more than they are losing - this means across the board the membership is always relatively new. Consider the number baptised in the last 15 years versus the total number of publishers - you'll see that most JW's are quite 'recent'
Meaning that they aren't pissed off enough to leave yet. And so the wheel turns.
babel on
If one still values Christian faith, it is the Bible and not an organization that determines who is and is not an "apostate." Unfortunately, many XJWs have abandoned all faith in God and the Bible
I could not agree with this statement more. it amazes me that many on this forum went from being in the watchtower ,albeit wrong but devout cult to atheist ,agnostic, some even blasphemously mocking God himself! just look at somes choice of Avatars. I am not apostate nor will I ever accept such a title willingly. I love Jesus and accept Him alone as my personal Savior! Screw the Watchtower cult and all their lies, but i'll never turn my back on God or willingly work against his will and that my friends is the true definition of apostate! To the atheist, agnostics satan worshippers and such.......It is the testimony that the Holy Spirit never resided in the organization or in themselves because once one has known Him very few turn away! You may sin and fall short of the Glory that christ has...we all do.....but to deny its existence after you become aquainted is according to scripture unforgivable!
sorry babel on - the 1st word in your premise means that atheists etc aren't persuaded by the rest of the sentence, unless maybe as an intellectual exercise
and your post is somewhat off-topic as well.
Awakened at Gilead
Unfortunately, some people (like babel on) don't put the Bible thru the same intellectual scritiny that we put the WT through.
This thread does have a good premise, but as Homer states, the internet is diminishing the FDS's authority... as are they since they are waffling on so many teachings
Whoa Babel On!
I was going to express my general agreement for Nic's thread. Having seen it firsthand, I could not agree more that the number one, conscious focus of the Governing Body is their authority. Respect and worship for god is FIRST demonstrated by your obedience to all "current light" GB decrees, whether they have changed or not.
Babel, with all respect to your personal beliefs, your conclusions about atheists, et al, is insulting.
Many people wonder why some go back to organized religion in some other form. I used to, but not anymore. There are those who are just as sensitive to a higher power, but do not worship. Others recognize that atheists and agnostics are actually on a higher spiritual plane then many in organized religion, simply because both their HEAD and HEART are engaged. I doubt god would want it any other way.
Babel on by putting atheists and agnostics in the same lump as "Satan worshippers you are revealing that you have the same way of thinking as the JWs.
Let me put it this way. The biggest issue/ threat to the the Bible is it's authority. A supposed authority of long dead spiritless men. It is riddled with internal inconsistencies like the WT. It is full of vindictiveness and hate toward those who don't see things it's way. What happens when it's authority is questioned?
Many in the JWs have turned agnostic or atheist because they weren't about to use a different standard when dealing with the Bible as when they dealt with the WTs.