Critical thinking skills

by Freedom rocks 14 Replies latest members private

  • Freedom rocks
    Freedom rocks

    Hi to all you parents on here I am looking for advice on how to develop a child's critical thinking skills?

    Does any one have any ideas or experience on this?

    It is so I can counteract any jw teachings and brainwashing my exes family will try to bestow on my child. If I can get them to think and reason for themself from a young age them I think that is my best course of action.

  • humbled

    How old is your child?

  • sillygirlforgotpassword

    Could they join a debate club? I think that may have helped me (a little at least) when I was little :)

  • Whynot

    My son is 9 and he was endoctrinated. First by me :( when I didn't know any better and occasionally by my JW family. I just ask him guiding questions. For example, imagine if you make a mistake and all your friends stop talking to you? How would you feel?...... What if you did something really, really bad?..... My son's response is "no one shoud be treated that way, If you did something against the law you go to jail and also get help. People need help and support after they make mistakes." Then, I ask "how would you feel if a religion does this?" He said he wouldn't want to join, My son likes going to the meetings he likes the association. He's been having reservations about going recently since we've had these conversations. I speak to him gently about these things since he likes to think about the things we talk about.

    Just ask questions like this, I think it helps.

  • Bobcat

    I typed in "logical fallacy books" and "critical thinking books" into Google and I got this and this.

  • vienne

    Introduce him to formal logic. There are some really good youtube vids on the topic. Of familiarize yourself with the rules of logic and how to identify a logic fault. Then point them out to him when you see them. "Oh, this news article has a logic fault. Do you now what it is?" You do not need to point to them in Watchtower literature. If he can Identify a logic flaw, he will know one when he sees it in WT literature.

  • sparrowdown

    Helping them to follow things through to their logical conclusions helps. For instance asking "so if" questions that look at something from several directions like - So, if JWs are "the only true religion" does that mean all other religions are bad or false? In what way?

    Because, the reasons JWs claim other religions to be "false" are the very same reasons JWs are also "false." Directing WT's own reasoning back on them can help highlight flaws in the reasoning and gaps in the logic in the mind of the questioner. The absolutes WT boldy spouts should make sense both ways backwards and forwards and they don't, they just don't.

    Also, get them in a habit of paying attention to words and their definitions in the context because WT as well as news etc can and does spin info to fit a narrative. Asking who wrote something and why, what is the purpose of the article and who's interest is it in.

  • stuckinarut2

    Hi Freedom Rocks!

    I guess one place to start is to combat the constant indoctrination of "Bible Stories" that JWs are supposed to ingrain / inculcate into their kids. So instead of the "My Book Of Bible Stories", try using this book for a platform into logical thinking skills and as a springboard into discussing the myths that exist worldwide:

    Richard Dawkins - The Magic of Reality This youtube clip is amazing!

  • Vidiot

    I didn't actually need to do anything.

    I just stopped taking my kids to meetings.


  • dubstepped

    I would think that leading by example would be best. Teach them as they observe you using your own critical thinking skills and let them see you bring open about it.

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