I was hoping you could give me a little something for my birthday present:)

by Mindchild 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mindchild

    You know what?

    I got a birthday coming up in a few days and while cyber hugs and spanks are swell, there is something I really would enjoy getting for my birthday! It is just a little bit of HOPE.

    You see, sorry to tell you this, but one of the consequences (for me anyway) for looking at life so seriously and rationally, is that I'm really running close to empty when it comes to having a positive future 10-20-30 or more years down the road. When most of us walked out of Paradise Road when we left the Borg, there went the multimillion dollar beach house and baseball sized grapes (you know the land of milk and honey bit) and the perfect weather. Hope can really help you out when you are feeling blue or when you need to get off your butt and do something.

    So, what do you have now for HOPE? Is it a canned version or did you make it from scratch? Want to share a little?


  • Mulan

    Live well. This is it. This life is the REAL life.

    Be happy.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Skipper I create my hope. The paradise thing just seemed very unreal to me so it was actually quite easy to let go of that.

    Maybe it is a life time of needing to believe that if I work hard enough I can change the things in my life that I need to change

    Or maybe it is my intense need tolearn and grow - to challenge myself.

    Maybe it is my need to be better than I was, certainly better than my parents

    I just know that freedom from the borg has given me more hope than I ever got there.

    I know at one time the hope was to just not be depressed anymore. I had to work hard at that one.

    I guess I believe that we have to work for what we need in life. God or my parents or a husband or the elders certainly won't do it.

    I much prefer living in the real world. It has its problems but it is so real. I have real feelings and don't have to pretend. To me that is the best reason to hope for something better - reality of life with all its ups and down and no carrot dangling in front of me to keep me in line and no fear that I won't make it

  • xjw_b12

    Hey Skippy.

    We have raised 1 daughter, who never "took in" to the JWs, and we are presently raising 2 others, who though they have never experienced the "other side" are aware of " what it meant to thier mom and dad.

    Our hope is in our children. From our negatives, we have tried to instill in them the positives. Love themselves, love us, love their neighbour, and love the planet.

    Kids at their age tend to ask questions about the spiritual aspect of life, and we have presented them with the basics, as we see them.

    Kids are our future. If god or any other diety is NOT here to help us, then we must abandon all traces of them, as they are the root of all our animosities and hatreds for our fellow man.

    It must be realized that we are on our own, and we are in contol of our destiny ( or should stirve to be)

    Bless the Children.

    David and Denise

  • WhyNow2000

    Get over life, and live life.

  • talesin


    I know how you're feeling.

    The best remedy for me has been to get a project started, volunteer, join a group - it helps me to realize that there is joy and accomplishment in my life NOW.

    When I feel better about the present, then I can make concrete GOALS for the future, both long- and short-term. Each goal reached gives me more hope for the future and peace of mind today.

    It's also important, I feel, to be around people. Isolation is not a good thing - that's how we were as JWs, isolated from people. It can be a challenging habit to break. That's why volunteering, etc (see above) helps.

    I hope this was helpful.

    Live in the moment, enjoy today, and the future will not seem as daunting.

    ... my thoughts on the subject


  • pettygrudger

    Hope - that depends on what you want hope for.....hope for what? Eternal life on paradise on earth with people you wouldn't really like to spend a Saturday morning in service with? (okay, maybe a couple that you would). Hope - I'm not sure that's a necessity - if you are living your life to the fullest now. Living and loving to its fullest possibility, and pushing them both beyond. Don't hope - be. Don't wish - just do. We only go around this planet 1x (at least in this body) so make it everything you would hope it should be. Make your paradise now, here, and with the ones you love. Its what we should have been doing all along!

    And, btw, A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY - MAY YOU ENJOY IT AND ALL THE ONES TO COME (sorry - couldn't find the spanking icon!)

  • Nosferatu

    I think everyone who's responded has the same idea I do, but I'd like to expand on mine...

    As far as "hope" goes, I have no hope for after death. I'm here right now, and I'm going to be the best damn person I can be. There's so many things that were planted into my mind that need changing. Self-improvement is a continuing journey filled with achievement and joy. A lot of people will look back years and say "Damn, I've changed so much". I find myself being a much better and more intelligent person every year. I'm nothing like I was last year. How many people can say that?

    Personally, I don't believe in hope. I believe in goal-achieving. There's a major difference between hoping to win a million dollars, and putting your energy into something to make a million dollars. If you win the lottery, you gain no sense of achievement. If you work for your money, you gain achievement. Achievement is your reward for a job well done.

    I'll tell you something. When I'm on my death bed, I'll look back to all the people I helped, all the things I've worked for, all the goals I achieved and know that I've done a damn good job being myself on this earth.

    Hoping for things is just a waste of time and energy that could be put to better use elsewhere.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Where there is life there is hope. Life finds a way.

    It's easy to get overwhelmed at the future, but keep your focus on today. There are enough problems here. Let tomorrow take care of itself.

  • Mindchild

    Hey, pretty interesting stuff....

    I can see that many of you not only survive but thrive...gotta commend that spirit!!!

    Thanks for your insight and input. More comments later.


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