Another generation....

by joey jojo 241 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Ucantnome

    not blame the wt because he hasn't.

    It's not blame. I'm being asked if I want salvation to join them in their preaching/witnessing and to do that I must have faith in their message surely this principle in Romans would apply to spiritual food.

    23 But he who is uncertain [about eating a particular thing] is condemned if he eats, because he is not acting from faith. (Romans 14 AMP

    My mother got the truth/the good news first. In the 60's she shared it with her Catholic sister. The generation teaching how she would never grow old and die and later arguments about 1975 and the end of six thousand years. When my aunt phones me which she does regularly and the conversation moves to the her age and how close she is to death do you think I'm going to try sharing the latest idea of an overlapping generation? lol.

    In the 1970's they had the book on Ezekiel and showed how exact Ezekiel's prophecy was and how Jerusalem's destruction on time proved he was a true prophet. They said that he acted as a sign of them. They then have that Jehovah would act by the end of the twentieth century. This did not occur.

    But you say 'Can you imagine the humiliation and defeat if wt looses?' But there was no humiliation and defeat, they just move on with a new understanding.

  • Fisherman

    UC, I hear you.

    But you say 'Can you imagine the humiliation and defeat if wt looses?' But there was no humiliation and defeat, they just move on with a new understanding.

    UC, 100+ years of doomsday preaching that the world is going to end has a limit. Either the God of JW must act or the wt movement will not last.

  • prologos

    Fisherman: "UC, 100+ years of doomsday preaching that the world is going to end has a limit. -- not for the wt it has'nt. Do not forget,  They preached in 1918: "THE WORLD HAS ENDED--" page 426 the Proclaimers book, It the world can have ended in 1918, invisibly,  it can end again. Another, endless generation, with an endless ending. What goes around, comes around, with a wt twist. 

  • Vanderhoven7

    Excellent Thread...worthy of a second look IMO

  • Ucantnome

    in the 1970's we lived at a house that had a mulberry tree in the grounds. as a young person I remember helping my mother with some gardening nearby. she was expressing her faith and how happy she was that she had the Truth she would never suffer old age like her parents and die.

    i visited her today in hospital where she has lain for 11 days moaning and groaning and being fed through a tube. she hasn't acknowledged my presence for the last week.

    the truth. lol

  • waton

    In the last 2 wt studies, the GB has repudiated what they taught about the first 4 years of that generation; the anointed one, remember?

    Prologos above is wrong, according to the GB at least, : it will not be an endless generation, the anointed will end before the end.

    The "millions will never die" of 1918, the endless generation (non anointed) , is almost gone, unless the GB starts overlapping them too.

    talking snakes were a short-lived phenomenon too.

  • Finkelstein

    In reality the return of Christ in 1914 and the following " This Generation " was a self created doctrine devised toward the marketing and proliferation of the literature the Watchtower Corporation published.

    The WTS was created and grew with both the freedom of religoius expression and unregulated capitalism both utilized together, so false doctrines yes but a inherent underling agenda.

  • Ding

    Does anyone remember the thick, curved arrow they used to illustrate the 1914 teaching?

    On one end it said "1914."

    The arrow curved like a rainbow bridge and pointed to the end.

    On the arrow it said "this generation" or "one generation."

  • Magnum

    Ucantnome: "i visited her today in hospital where she has lain for 11 days moaning and groaning and being fed through a tube. she hasn't acknowledged my presence for the last week."

    That is really sobering. What is going through the minds of all the older JWs? Almost all the ones I knew from the old days of JWdom are gone - the ones who told me as a 12-yr-old that I'd never drive or graduate high school.

    One of the old-timers was a very prominent JW in the local area. He was one of the first JWs in the area. He was a business owner and was always impeccably dressed and groomed and was well-spoken. He firmly believed the end was imminent decades ago. He ended up an old man in a dreary nursing home walking slowly down the halls in bedroom slippers shuffling his feet. He's gone now.

  • waton

    walking slowly down the halls in bedroom slippers shuffling his feet. He's gone now. magnum:

    The generation was supposed to go out with a bang, the second big one, but is going out with a whimper, not even an axe like rev 20 has it.

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