Hello JW spy's !!

by Singing Man 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • AnnOMaly
    How come you're looking at apostate sites when you should be out in service?

    Now. You don't expect them to be out door-knocking at 11 @ night, do you? Or DO you?

  • Dansk

    Hi Funch,

    Is that your real picture? If so, it's a good 'un!

    I don't doubt that they DO visit, though.

    Yes, the spies DO definitely visit - and I've no doubt they count their time!

    In actual fact, when any poster who is still an obvious JW comes here and gets us all to reply I'm sure he/she counts their time also. Nifty, eh. Sit at home, make a cup of tea/coffee, sit down, log on to JWD forum and your hours for pioneering will be in the bag before no time. Now why didn't I think of that..........


  • Funchback

    Hi, Dansk!

    I often change my avatar. However, I have used my real picture lots of times. The photo I'm using now is of Big Daddy Kane.

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