1970 - There was a local drag strip a few miles away from the hall rented for the Circuit Assembly. There were three of us. I was 18 , Tim O. was 16 and Wayne D. was 18. Wayne had a 1955 Chevy 4 door, 6 cylinder and fresh paint job. Tim had his Dad'ss 1965 Chevy half ton. I used to drag Wayne and his Chevy with my Dad's 1968 Datsun 510 on local side roads. No traffic. We were crazy, not stupid.
Anyways, during the intermission, I think about 1 1/2 hours, something like that, we decide to just drive down to the drag strip to have a look. Nothing planned, just passing time. When we get there we find the main gate open and no one around. Of course the next thing we are doing is dragging the 1955 - 6 cylinder Chevy 4-door, three on the tree against the 1965 Chevy half-ton 6 cylinder three on the tree. We got about 5 or 6 good runs in. Just amazing. The whole drag strip to ourselves. All of a sudden the caretaker who had opened the gate and was working in one of the site building comes over in his pick-up shouting and cursing and threatening to call the police. We were 3 scared teens, not like the smart ass teens nowadays that would just give him lip. We promised we would never do it again and high tailed it out of there back to the Circuit Assembly. That afternoon we are all paying special attention to the program and looking up all the scriptures, like the good boys we were. Good memories.