No, you are not crazy. Quite the opposite.
The WT uses this issue to try and explain away the fact that Christ died for you personally. Hebrews 9: 27 says that there will be a personal judgement after you die. The new covenant explained in Mt. 26: 27-28 says that the NC is "for the forgiveness of sns".
The legal exchange is in 2. Cor. 5: 21 "For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him"
So, Jesus becomes the scapegoat for believers, just like when the OT priests would place the sins of someone onto the goat and send him away into the wilderness where he would shurely be torn to pieces by wild animals.
Jesus offers to be your scapegoat. Since the goat had no sins, he could die "in place of the sinner". This of course pictured Jesus who had no sins and was torn to pieces "for you", if you accept it...... which JW's don't. They reject the NC "for the forgiveness of sins at every Memorial".
This is why when we met Christians at the doors, they would look at us kinda weird and many would say something like, " Oh sweetie, Is Jesus your personal savior"? We would look at them like they were dunces. However, they believed that there would be a "personal judgement" just as Jesus and God's Word said there would be. Hence, the need for a "persona savior" and not a corporate one.
JW's believe in a group judgement, so this made no sense to us. JW's believe God is judgeing religions, not individuals.
The WT would like nothing better for people to waste their entire life trying to be "good enough" to prove some vague "universal issue" while ignoring the real issue for man - their impending death and subsequent judgement after they die.
God has taken care of this, but it requires faith, not works because the works pat of the exchange was finished at Calvary when Jesus said "it is finished" as he died.
True, Jesus did once say he that has endured to the end s the one who will be saved. But, remember Jesus spoke mainly to the Jews as their King. He words apply primarily to Jews, during the Great Tribultion. This was the context of that conversation. The Church (along with church-age promises) will already be gone by this time.
The apostles were given by God the ministry of reconciliation. The kingdom message is for during the GT, after the church is 'snatched away". JW's preach the Kindom message "out of season".
Scripture says that if church-age believers preach any other message other than the ministry of reconciliation, they are cursed. - Gal. 1: 8-9
The message of some vague universal issue was not taught by the apostles. It is a misdirection, mental sleight of hand; and many have taken the bait because they only read the parts of the bible that the WT approves.
"by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified" - Rom. 3: 20