Minimus, if you liked the Dead Poet’s Society, you should definitely watch The Emperor’s Club!
Name 3 Movies You Have Seen At Least 3 Times
by minimus 54 Replies latest jw friends
I have to add 3 more
Dr Strangelove
Blade Runner
The Thing ( the original , though the re-make was bloody good too pun intended )
Rosemary's Baby
Whatever happened to baby jane
Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf
Pants of Righteousness
Donnie Darko
Cannonball Run
RubaDub, yes, Marathon Man. A visit to the dentist would never be the same again. Especially back then in the late 70's, that whole movie with all that nazi and secret service paranoia was so raw and scary in a realistic way. When that nazi doctor Szell (Josef Mengele) was reckognised in public by that old Jewish lady who survived the camps, brrr...
When that nazi doctor Szell (Josef Mengele) was reckognised in public by that old Jewish lady who survived the camps
redpilltwice ...
Yes, hearing that woman scream "it's Szell, Christian Szell" still gives me the creeps.
I still get those flashbacks when I close my eyes in the dentist's chair that my arms will be bound and asked repeatedly, "Is is safe?"
Rub a Dub
Ok, Ok, three more:
Kentucky Fried Movie
The Devil in Miss Jones (especially the last 10 minutes)
Rub a Dub
Lets Think
While you were sleeping (for some reason love that movie)
First Star Wars Movie
Animal house
Jp, thanks for the tip👍