I have no idea when someone has posted. It has been a few days at least. I am in Edge or Explorer mostly. If it is now in a different area give me an idea where to look. I could try Chrome but my husband uses it and he says I mess up his settings.
Does anyone see the dates of topics?
by bsmart 13 Replies latest forum tech-support
The Edge / Explorer would explain it - I did an update a few days ago that affected those pieces. It should be compatible but obviously I did something wrong. I'm hoping to release a brand new version shortly which should improve things like this and also make things waaaaay faster (esp. for mobile users)
Chrome is better to use generally - if you share a computer you can setup different profiles within chrome so you can have custom settings, different bookmarks and extensions and be signed in to different website accounts (like facebook) and so on without interfering with each other.
I'll try and look at it with IE / Edge when I get chance.
At one time, didn't the system post the actual date of the post, rather than the more generic "5 months ago" or "1 year ago"? I miss that.
Just a thought, always grateful JWD is here.
Snakes ( Rich )
It should show the exact timestamp if you hover over. I think the relative times are more useful though but I may make it an option in the new UI
Thanks Simon,
I may try the custom settings in Chrome or dig out my laptop and see how it goes. I like to dig in the archives and sometimes it helps to identify old posts (I love the fact that we have nearly 20 years to dig through.)
cha ching
I have always been wondering that when I do a 'search', if I can see the results in date order, as in when they first posted? Is it possible?
I know nothing of how hard it is to orchestrate a web page, but if it is not too hard, it would be great to hit a tab that said, "from latest to oldest" or "oldest to latest".
thx, cha ching
Update: there is another glitch.
I am unable to see pictures or links in posts.
I will try the mouse hover on my desktop, no luck on my tablet. Most of the time relative times is sufficient, but there are times when my memory fails me and it us nice to put a timeline together. Kind of my personal journal in my post jw life.
My Name is of No Consequence
Perhaps I missed something...but is there an update on this? I am using Internet Explorer on a desktop computer and can no longer see when someone posted. Thanks!
I have made some updates that should have fixed it - it's working for me on IE11 (which is the last supported version of IE) and Edge.