by You Know 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • seven006

    So let me get this straight. We are the bad guys but you are a good bad guy. The Israelites use to be the good guys but they turned into the bad guys and now the JW's are the good guys except for the ones who act like the original good guys that became the bad guys. The sheriff is going to get the new bad guys like he got the old bad guys to keep the new good guys from becoming the new bad guys. You are like a deputy of the sheriff and you are telling the bad guys that the good guys are only bad if they stop being good guys because of the bad guys lying to them about the sheriff.

    The sheriff is going to kill the bad good guys and the bad bad guys because something is going to happen to the town and the good guys are going to look like bad guys. You could tell the good guys about not becoming bad guys but you forgot your home work so the bad guys can't cheat off of your papers and find all the right answers so that they might possibly become good guys again. When the big test comes and the bad guys didn't get all the answers right because you wouldn't let the bad guys cheat off your home work and you could have shown your home work to the good guys but you can't because they are in special class and wouldn't understand your home work so pretty much the good guys are as screwed as the bad guys. Is that right?

    I'm confused.

    Davie the kid.

  • SixofNine

    smart kid.

  • Liberty

    Hi You Know,

    It's just like being back "home" again finding you here too. Even though you are probably not glad to hear from me I am glad to hear from you cause it's just like the old H2O. I was just curious to know if folks like me who never professed to be of the "annointed" are part of your "Evil Slave Class" too. I'd never even heard of Raymond Franz or any other ex-annointed JWs who published writings against the Watch Tower Society when I left over 20 years ago. I left all on my own without any ex-JWs "seducing" me into joining Satan. I'd heard of the "Evil Slave" as a general warning from the Society while associated but never once met one or read anything by them and I had no access to the Net back then either so how can I be part of the "Evil Slave" bunch? I'm just a guy who figured that the "Truth" wasn't the truth and that the Society's teachings were illogical, inconsistant, and sometimes just delusional. Years later I read some stuff that confirmed what I already suspected but this doesn't appear to be a very well organized Satanic conspiracy and I'm baffled by how you can admit that the Society is wrong on so many things, so why would both Satan and Jehovah be so inept when recruiting their earthly "armies" for the big conflict which never comes. Since it never comes why are poor old sods like myself hated so much for not believing in it anymore? You can only cry wolf so many times before the warnings fall on deaf ears. Can't Jehovah figure this out?

    Best Regards From An Old Friend,

  • nojw86

    Advanced revelation by the ordinary Jw. Now that makes hairs on ones neck stand up. Talk about who is the antichrist. These are some scary people. What he the hell are they being taught? I wish someone would have shown my sister what scripture said she could not have a liver transplant but now that she died, she could have lived by having one. You know, you are the apostate, you know. nojw

  • You Know
    You Know

    ***I guess I shouldn't have asked you for any biblical information. My bad...retard.***

    Okay Lookinnow, Look at this: The book of Malachi is generally applied to spiritual Israel. The 3rd chapter speaks about the messenger of the covenant coming and also one like an Elijah. There were of course 1st century fulfillments in the coming of Christ and his Elijah-like forerunner---John the Baptist. Yet, Revelation was written after Christ had come and gone as the messenger of the covenant and yet, in the 11th chapter it likens one of the two symbolic witnesses to Elijah because he made it not rain for 3-1/2 years. So that should establish that there is a much greater fulfillment of the coming of the messenger for judgment upon God's people. Now consider Malachi 2:8, which says: "You have caused many to stumble in the Law. You have ruined the covennat of Levi..." The real covennat of Levi has to do with the New Covenant that produces a nation of priests in Jehovah's spiritual temple. Those priests are the ones addressed in the 3rd chapter. But the point is that Malachi was written long after the typical priesthood was punished for there sins against the Law of Moses by Jehovah during the Babylonian period. Too, the book starts off by Jehovah confirming that he has loved his people, and it ends by Jehovah saying that before his final destructive judgment comes against the world that his people will repent and be turned back to him. So it is evident that the stumbling blocks refer to those causes for stumbling that the anointed faithful slave has thoughtlessly placed before others through their faulty teaching. But, as I stated originally, that does not preclude these from being God's people and ultimately receiving his blessing after they are rebuked by him. / There are of course many other prophecies that foretell this very thing. Taken as a whole then they provide the legal basis for God's continued blessing upon his people in spite of their sins and failures. / You Know

  • Amazing

    Hi Freddie: Let see, you said, "The Watchtower is a legal corporation of Jehovah's Witnesses. The Jehovah's Witnesses have Jehovah's backing not no legal corporation."

    Yes, I am well aware that the WTS and its subsidaries are legal corporations. And I agree with you 100% that the WTS and its branches do not have Jehovah's backing. So, why then do Jehovah's Witnesses use a legal corporation that does not have Jehovah's backing. Afterall, as the WTS says, any organization besides their own can only be of the devil. So, if the WTS does not Jehovah's backing, it must have the devil's backing.

    But if the WTS has the devil's backing, and the WTS invented the name and organizaiton of Jehovah's Witnesses, then how can JWs have Jehovah's backing? How can this so-called name people of Jehovah calim his backing when they use one of the devil's organizations?

    Confusing, don't you think? - Amazing

  • NameWithheld

    Hmmm. So the FDS is proved to be right and backed by God because they are fullfilling prophesy about stumbling all the brothers. So because they get so much wrong they are the true org. I see. How stupid of me for not seeing that!

    But the other christain religions are just wrong, even though they to stumble the brothers and teach falsehood, but that just proves that they are 'Babylon the Great'. Ah ha! Makes perfect sense.

    Go back to sleep now ... ... ...

  • You Know
    You Know

    TO Liberty:

    ***I was just curious to know if folks like me who never professed to be of the "annointed" are part of your "Evil Slave Class"***

    The evil slave is generally understood to be those who were formerly anointed. His influence extends over not just those in the organization, but also over those who show some interest in our message. As 2 Peter 2:18 & 19 points out, he promises freedom to "those who are just escaping from people who conduct themselves in error." So that includes newly interested Bible studies and such who fall into the trap.

    ***I'm just a guy who figured that the "Truth" wasn't the truth and that the Society's teachings were illogical, inconsistant,
    and sometimes just delusional.***

    Probably you didn't really have a personal relationship with Jehovah and so you were stumbled by whatever.

    ***so why would both Satan and Jehovah be so inept when recruiting their earthly "armies" for the big conflict which never comes.***

    Jehovah warned us through a number of prophets that his day would appear to delay. Jesus even said that should his arrival extend even in to the last watch of the night that his loyal ones had better stay awake in anticipation of him. So, even though some may hastily conclude that Jehovah is a no-show, from the correct Biblical perspective things are right on schedule. Even now the most over-riding policy consideration among governments at this present moment is how to keep the system going for a few more months in the face of the ongoing global financial collapse.

    ***Since it never comes why are poor old sods like myself hated so much for not believing in it anymore?***

    In the context of the verse in Habakkuk that foretells that God's day may appear to delay but that it will not be late, Jehovah then says that his righteous ones will live by reason of faith, and if his soul shrinks back then Jehovah has no delight in him.' Hope that helps. / You Know

  • You Know
    You Know


    ***So the FDS is proved to be right and backed by God because they are fullfilling prophesy about stumbling all the brothers. So because they get so much wrong they are the true org. I see. How stupid of me for not seeing that!***

    Yes, I feel kind of silly too for not having seen it long ago. But the basic facts cannot be so quickly swept aside. Namely that the Society has taught the truth in line with Scripture when it comes to the basic doctrines. It is generally just the interpretaion of prophecies that have gotten them in trouble. Christendom has no basis for even approaching Jehovah in the judgment, In fact they are the ones who will hear Christ's rebuke: "Get away from me you workers of lawlessness, I never knew you." Jehovah's anointed on the other hand are known by God and Christ, and they have given faithful ones a foundation for understanding the judgments that are about to unfold. So that they have a basis for receiving mercy from the throne of undeserved kindness when the time arrives for the execution of God's enemies. Apostates on the other hand, are induced to embrace such error as a pretext for leaving and persecuting their family and friends. The Devil in affect gives them a club with which to whack their brothers, which of course they gladly wield. / You Know

  • Liberty

    Thanks for the response YK! I love you ,I really do. I've given out this invitation before but if we're still around another 40 years from now in this "Wicked Old System of Things" I'd sure love to hear your opinions then on why the big "A" still hasn't happened. Can someone hold on to a false hope that long? I'd love to meet you then and find out how. That is, if I'm not too senile to care anymore by then. In any case keep up the good work.

    Your Friend,

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