The Trinity Invoked on JWs' Baptisms!?!?

by Gerard 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Gerard

    I found this comment from

    The Jehovah Witnesses say that Jesus is God's Son, but is inferior to God. They condemn the Trinity as pagan idolatry and accordingly deny Christ's divinity. Russell even claimed that the Trinity was the idea of Satan! Ironically, however, when they baptize, they use the formula, " ... In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."

    Is this accurate?


  • blondie

    Not any more, since 1985 it has been the Father, Son, and spirit-directed organization.

    *** w85 6/1 30 Subjecting Ourselves to Jehovah by Dedication ***

    On the basis of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, have you repented of your sins and dedicated yourself to Jehovah to do his will?


    you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in association with God’s spirit-directed organization?
  • Hamas

    I heard that they changed that to :

    The name of the father,

    the name of the son,

    and the spirit annointed Organization...

    Im sure they changed it.

  • Hamas

    Thank you, Blondie... you prove my point.

  • Gerard

    ***Watchtower 1990 August 1 p.15 Do You Appreciate What God Has Done? ***

    Do You Appreciate What God Has Done?

    19 Jesus expects those who appreciate the Kingdom message to act on it. He said: "Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you."-Matthew 28:19, 20.

    I do not feel atracted to the concept of the Trinity but it is strange to me that in 1990 the WT condemmed the Trinity but still baptized by it...

  • NeonMadman

    Most Protestant churches actually invoke the Trinitarian formula at the time of baptism. As the minister prepares to dunk the candidate, he will actually say something like, "John Doe, I baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit," and then will immediately immerse the baptismal candidate. The JW teaching is that the words were intended, not as a spoken formula, but to show that baptisms should be carried out in the name (= the authority) of the Father, Jehovah, His Son, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Why an active force should have authority is still unclear, but, of course, in covering the baptismal questions, the WTS has usurped the place of the Holy Spirit, replacing it with the "spirit-directed organization." And there's no question among the JW's as to the authority of that!

    I don't know that I disagree with the JW's about "name" actually meaning "authority." I'm not sure that a spoken formula is necessary, though I don't see anything wrong with using one, either. But I do believe that Christian baptism should be carried out under the authority of all three members of the Godhead. (Which presents a likely possibility as to why the JW's are so eager to equate "name" with "authority" - it spares them from having to explain why the Father, Son and Holy Spirit have only one name. After all, it doesn't say, "in the names of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.")

  • RunningMan

    When I was baptized, I remember quite specifically that at the time of dunking the brother said, "I baptize you in the name of the father, the sone and the holy spirit."

    It seems very odd to me. If the holy spirit isn't an individual, why would it have a name. Also, JWs make such a big thing about Christendom non knowing God's name, yet they don't seem to care that they speak of the "name" of the holy spirit, but don't know what it is.

    And, if "name" refers to simply authority, then wouldn't that hold true for God's name, too. Why is the name "Jehoover" so important to know and use, but the name of the holy spirit is unknown and unimportant.

  • DJ

    I was told that at the ACTUAL baptism the jw's use Father, Son, Holy Spirit but the baptismal questions before the baptism use spirit directed org. Is that correct?

  • Hamas

    ... I think so DJ.

    Spin that record hun !

  • NeonMadman
    When I was baptized, I remember quite specifically that at the time of dunking the brother said, "I baptize you in the name of the father, the sone and the holy spirit."

    Are you talking about JW baptism? If so, that's very unusual. I've watched scores of JW baptisms, and I've never heard anyone use a verbal formula. And none was used when I was baptized.

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