as the title says :P
So how come Jehovah can do anything but he still needs angels.
by zigua 21 Replies latest watchtower bible
So he can boss them around?
a watcher
Jehovah doesn't need anyone or anything. He is complete in Himself.
But He delights in creating things and interacting with them.
Half banana
How do you know that A Watcher?
"How do you know that A Watcher?"
God sent an angel to tell him.
Yes god can give men dreams, visions and even talk to them face to face , but sometimes maybe when he's on the pot or smoking a cigarette he needs someone else to do it so he has messengers i.e. Angels.
a watcher
"...I know the One whom I have believed..." (2Tim 1:12)
Sing praises (He likes that :) )
He likes to Share:)