Does anyone here have this experience? In my old congregation there were a number of sisters absolutely obssesed by the demons. If a dog barked too loudly when approaching a door on the field service "it is demonized' -- if a refridgerator broke when the CO was due round for a meal or after the service "it was demonized". Ray Franz book when it first came out "was demonized" everything that was not quite perfect for these dubs "was demonized". Any of you guys met any witnesses like this?
Is/was everything demonized
by stillajwexelder 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Seriously, I was told by a young gullible MS that he knew of a woman who said her boyfriend was a DEMON, and she used to have sex with him every night.
He even claimed that the demon got really pissed off when 2 elders decided to get rid of it by 'calling on the name of Jah'
Yeah rite
OMG!! My parents said everything was demonized too!!! My dad even has exorcism stories that he tells us! He has a story about carrying a demonized rug out from a sisters house, and feeling little fists beating the top of his head as he carried it, and another story about staying in a house that a sister had just bought, because she was afraid it was demonized. According to him, a metal sunburst wall clock hanging over his bed started spinning, and then crashed down on top of him, with one of the points landing where his head had been. And they wondered why us kids were afraid of the dark!?!?!?! They also had us constantly calling out "Jehovah" to make sure there were no demons in the house, because "you never know what could be demonized!!".
I think that the demon thing is just the WT tapping into our childhood fears of ghosts and monsters. Once you've achieved that the imagination is free to run riot, so that little blue Smurfs appear to dash out of KH's. Small wonder that JWs are so childish, they're forever having all their childhood fear buttons pressed.
Alfred Hitchcock used the same psychology. All of Psycho was filmed using cameras just a couple of feet off the ground so that the subconscious mind made the viewer feel as if he was a child.
Some believed that buying second hand clothing was inviting the demons into your house... there was the urban legend of a brother who got strangled by one of these ties.
I still am scared of ties to this day... boo hoo.
According to him, a metal sunburst wall clock hanging over his bed started spinning, and then crashed down on top of him, with one of the points landing where his head had been.
OMG~ I remember that story, it flew across the room and around.. and then... it crashed down on him and one of the points landing where his head had been. Of course the demon had the clock flying around the room zeroing on him ( wonder what pissed the demon off, enough to throw the damned thing at him in the first place?).. and yet what cracked me up was we wore 2nd hand clothes all the time. I guess the Thrift Shop had a non demonized section.
And they wondered why us kids were afraid of the dark!?!?!?! They also had us constantly calling out "Jehovah" to make sure there were no demons in the house, because "you never know what could be demonized!!".
Hell, I remember .. the calls at night "S.............. wwwwwwaaake up! I am scared.. I had a bad dream. Can I get into bed with you. "Yes, come on .. and lets get some sleep." It was a wonder to me you made it to my bed in the dark. The way we were raised there were demons under the bed waiting to possess you. When you told about a fear or something that scared us.. we were admonished not to have fear and to call on Jehovah .. of course we did that .. but the scary shadows still stayed.
My poor sister Maybe's who was the youngest of us girls until our brother came along.. bore the brunt of that fear for the longest time. Fear was a big catalist in our family. It was a way of controling us too. An unfortunately... Fear is still around tainting potiental.. fear of failing, fear of if someone is truthful the other is not going to love them any more, and the list goes on. I am glad that we are taking the steps forward to conquer the fears that had us bound mentally, emotionally and even physically.
Love ya sis,
JW teachings plant fears and superstitions in abundance.
If something goes wrong with a "thing", the thing is demonized. If something goes wrong with a person, they're "apostate". If something goes wrong with your plans, well "time and unforseen occurrence (known to other people as "plain bad luck") befall us all".
Many JW's are in constant fear of any of these 3 things going wrong at any time. Life is s-s-s-s-s-cary when it is controlled by fear.
((((((((((Xandria))))))))) Love you to sis! Glad you're not demonized!!!!!
My wife says that I'm demonised
My wife says that I'm demonised
She's heard you on that fiddle too then..