I mean John Lennon of course!!!!!
What Are Your Predictions for 2020 and Beyond?
by The Bethelite 28 Replies latest jw friends
The WT cult wants to tighten their grip on the regular witnesses, like all despotic regimes - their literature will get kookier and kookier - and more and more worrisome for those of us on the outside looking in.
I think the WT leadership doesn't mind kookier literature, because they kinda know now that that the public isn't reading it. It's not for potential 'converts' - it's to keep the R&F under strict control.
The kookiness will get more and more strident and pronounced as the WT seeks to exert control over new areas of the R&F lives they used to allow some measure of autonomy over. Now, no more. Like with all greedy, power hungry bastards - some power is never enough.
The kookiness will continue to squeeze out individuals on a limited basis. My heart will swell when I hear about old friends who find themselves, for some reason or another, on the outside of the Tower (hopefully, for good!).
Either we are going to get rid of that bible, political correctness, and enforced lies and start treating Satan with more respect, or we are all going to be living under Noahide Law. At its worst. And this makes the jokehovian witless religion seem like a picnic. The more people adhere to that bible, and the stronger they adhere to it, the faster this will happen and the worse it will be.
In the second half of 2020 I will be another year older whether I`m above ground or below it that`s one thing I can be certain of.
Oh ,and more and more people , young ones especially will be leaving the cult known as JW`s .
The Great tribulation will not occur in 2020 or beyond
neither will Armageddeon occur in 2020 or beyond.
So that amounts to 4 things I can be certain of .
This should all happen within 3 years. That is why if you are thinking about starting college don’t bother as you won’t need your fancy degree in the new system.
"Yes, "the end" is soooo close! It will definitely be here in the next three to five years!"
-- Every PIMI, 2010 (...and 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016...2001...1995...1987...1975...)
Only hindsight has 2020 vision.
The Watchtower is a perfect example of that.
Ohhh...let me....let me....the 120 lifespan !!!!
So 1914 plus 120 = 2034 !!!!
No worries, we still could overlap this !
Otherwise, Armageddon is gonna be in 2020, of course, everybody knows that !
Making predictions is tricky, especially about the future
2020 District Convention will be THE BEST EVER!
2020 We will be closer to Armageddon than ever before! In the last tenths of a second in the 2 minute warning!
2020 God will need more money
2020 Bunker sales will be way up! Invest now!!
2020 District Convention will be THE BEST EVER!
2020 We will be closer to Armageddon than ever before! In the last tenths of a second in the 2 minute warning!
2020 God will need more money
2020 Bunker sales will be way up! Invest now!!
From a certain vantage point, this is astounding!
They don't even have the benefit of the perspective of their own lives!
They've got to pretend that all the wasted time and effort...never was. Like it never happened.