Enough of the "World's Most Gorgeous Woman" Stuff All Ready

by berylblue 230 Replies latest jw friends

  • wednesday

    richard Dryfess, another very sexy guy. love the look

  • think41self

    Here's a better one of Nick, at Dominic's wedding.


  • wednesday
    Just an observation and I could be totally wrong, but based on the reaction to this and Sam's... uh... I mean Hamas' 'gorgeous woman' thread, it seems that women find men attractive with whom they've formed at least some mental/emotional connection. Men, OTOH, find women attractive who are just good to look at whether men know anything about them or not. Biologic?

    oh wow TJ u get to be aorund 50 and just notice this? lol

  • Piph

    Hey, I enjoyed this thread a lot more than I thought I would!

    Seems that my taste most matches Tink's....

    i've always thought ben kingsley was sort of sexy. is that weird?

    (I hope not...I do too :D)

    I don't know how to post pics here yet, so I'll just list my faves...

    David Bowie
    Ralph Fiennes
    David Thewlis
    Brad Pitt (7 yrs in Tibet and Ocean's 11)
    Tim Curry (Rocky Horror Picture Show)
    Jacob Dillon
    Ethan Hawke

    And for some reason I have this real thing for Brad Dourif...

  • tinkerbell82

    wow piph we have really similar taste in men!! i drool for all the ones on your list that ive heard of =)

  • Piph

    Haaahhhhh, that's funny!

  • SixofNine

    Ben Kingsley is a sexy beast.

  • teejay
    Teejay. Umhhh you just figured that out now? -- xjw_b12
    wow TJ u get to be aorund 50 and just notice this? lol -- wednesday

    You hafta understand...

    Most of my life I?ve spent around Dub women. Since learning of all the various ways ex-JW women differ from the ones I?ve known my whole life, it?s sometimes surprising to learn how much alike y?all are when all?s said and done. For the most part, men are, too.

  • tinkerbell82
    Ben Kingsley is a sexy beast.

    lol, except for in that movie....i don't know, he didn't do it for me as a super mean psycho :P

  • SixofNine

    Really? I thought he was amazing in that, if just because he was more fearsome cast against type. Although, I have to admit I didn't really find him sexy....

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