Did Rutherford concoct this teaching that underpins all JW theology?
The utter absurdity of the "universal sovereignty issue", chapter 4,786
by sir82 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Wasanelder Once
I think you got it right. As soon as I learned that this teaching was after Russell and concocted by the "Judge" it became rather suspicious to me that a legalistic, lawyers mind was behind it. If he had been a baker it would have been the "bakers oven" issue of "universal bread pans". Something like that. Just couldn't buy it at that point.
Hey Boss. That Satan guy in Shipping keeps screwing things up, and all our orders are going out wrong. We're getting a lot of complaints from our clients. Can't we do something about him?
Well, Mr. Angel, I'd like to, but in order to prove to the rest of the company that I am the boss and that I know what's best for all employees, I'm going to let Mr. Satan, and his department, continue to run Shipping how they see fit, for the time being. Oh I have a time table in mind, and it's soon, but not yet. By the time I act, everyone will see that I was right and he was wrong, and no one will try to change our shipping operations again. Make sense to you, Mr. Angel?
Um, I think I'll tender my resignation, effective immediately.
compound complex
[ . . .] it became rather suspicious to me that a legalistic, lawyers mind was behind it. -- Wasanelder Once
Yes, Wasa, I believe your reasoning ties in with what I vaguely recall reading
elsewhere, long ago. Something about a courtroom case -- in heaven!THANKS!
Too cool, undercover!
As a still-in young JW I was never satisfied about the JW argument that no human rulership will ever succeed in bringing about "true peace and happiness".
I wondered how fair that argument was when every single human ruler is presumably - and unknowingly - under Satan's control.
How fair is it to condemn human rulership when there has never been human rulership without Satan's input (according to JW doctrine)?
Unanswered is the question about whether human rulership could succeed in bringing about "true peace and happiness" if it were not under Satan's rulership.
Unanswered is the question about whether human rulership could succeed in bringing about "true peace and happiness" if it were not under Satan's rulership.
Aw, geez, now you've done it!
Jehovah never thought of that.
Now we've gotta wait 6000 more years to get the issue resolved.
"Stay alive 'til 7975".
Ever Apostate A father warns his teenage son not to drive their car. The Evil neighbor induces the teenage boy to drive it, who then drives and due to his inexperience, gets into an accident and is badly hurt.
The father, instead of treating his son, allows him to suffer with his wounds for decades
If asked about this, the father says that he has to prove to his neighbors that he was right and his son was wrong and that is why he allows his son to suffer endlessly
How Brilliant!!!1
Whereas neighbour gets off Scott free!! Not only that but you regularly hob-nob with said neighbour, even going to the bookies together (job).
It looks worse when you think of the reletive AGES of the neighbour and son. More appropriate would be an anology of a very small child and retired neighbour, since Satan was at least BILLIONS of years old( lived before Earth) and Adam had not had a childhood in which to grow and learn.
Strange how the JW video uses the example of an experienced (all knowing?) teacher being disrespectfully questioned and doubted by a young student.
Yet, Scripture includes a powerful account of a young Jesus walking into a temple and calling to account the experienced Pharisees. He showed no deference for seniority.
Similarly, he declared about the "wisdom of children, "Out of the mouths of babes..."