Do you watch what you eat, exercise properly, and get the proper rest? Or----do you not worry too much about your health and believe that we're all going to die sooner or later, anyway?
Are You Health Conscious?
by minimus 22 Replies latest jw friends
We all die one day man.
I knew this one guy, he was mad on fitness, what he ate etc. Got to 21 and was ran down by a speeding motorist.
I dont take stupid risks, but frankly, talk of diets, skinny women, shrinks telling me what I can and can not eat piss me off. I purposely look for whatever DOES NOT say 'low fat'.
I just tried Reeses's peanut butter ice cream....good and not low fat.
Frannie Banannie
I waffle every day......sometimes I eat healthy.....sometimes I'm on a "see-food" diet...
Frannie B
Well. . .I'm bored so I'll respond to a fluff thread. . .Minimus, feel privileged
When I remember to eat, it's junk food. I love burgers and pizza and alcohol! I could easily live off of those things happily for the rest of my life.
So in other words, no. I am not health conscious. . I do work out from time to time though.
Me? lol...nah .. I live on pepsi..B&H..and take out..
I also tan without sunscreen which seems to be quite a in this country
I use to take kickboxing class for anger management (stress lol) but now Ive found a much healthier replacement...counterstrike
Stacy Smith
I eat at taco bell at least once a day. So my diet sucks. But I also eat a lot of fruit and I ride my mountain bike seriously. I put a couple of hundred miles a week on. I don't need to lose a pound. So I'm lucky there. My mom is in her 40's and still slim. My dad works to stay slim. I'm not sure who I'll take after.
I also eat an ice cream sandwich after every hard bike ride. Some of my cycling friends say they ride so they can eat ice cream. That's not so bad right??
I try to eat everything in moderation except every 28 days when chocolate is not safe around me. I feel like I can have the greatest diet in the whole world and still either get sick from the air we breathe or get run over by the cross town bus. So I don't deprive myself but I do try to take care of myself without being a fanatic.
Now, on the minus side of that flippant philosophy, I had an ovarian sonogram and bone density scan last week and found out I have three fibroid tumors in the ol' reproductive area and osteopina (not sure of spelling), which is a precurser to osteoperosis. CRUZANHEART IS NOT HAPPY!!!!! Actually, I was in such a blue funk on Thursday night that I had a big glass of wine and correspondingly big plate of comfort food (i.e., spaghetti) to self-medicate. It worked. I felt a LITTLE better. Then I called my best friend, unloaded on her husband (since she wasn't home and he shares my age and birth month), and felt a little MORE better. Talked to Big Tex, got a good night's sleep, dished it with a couple girlfriends at work, and now I think I'm okay with it but I'll know more when I see my doctor on Thursday for what I need to do. If it includes cutting out wine or chocolate or coffee, we'll have to come up with some acceptable substitutes and I can't think of any right now.
Stacy, if you're the first kid in your family you'll take after your dad, so look at his side of the family to see what you'll be like when you're older. If you're the second kid, it's the mom's side of the family. Gets a little muddy after that -- ask Big Tex (he's better on the birth order stuff than me).
I had an ovarian sonogram and bone density scan last week and found out I have three fibroid tumors in the ol' reproductive area and osteopina (not sure of spelling), which is a precurser to osteoperosis.