my friend and my sister has betrayed me in my confidence to ask them on issues i have with the org. i admitted that i dont think what the org is telling is all truth. so the elders came and whipped me but i would not bow down to them, my freedom is at stake and i will not be a robot. i can think and i have the real power of free expression, freedom to think and question. not on my knees but on my feet they will deal with me. my mind is clear and not clouded with fear for questioning the fundamentals on what they teach us.
the elders came
by the mole 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
So, how did it go???????
WOW!!! That is bravery in action!! My heart is with you, I know this must be a difficult time. No lite te bastardes corborundum! (don't let the bastards get you down). I hope all turns out well with you, and applaud you for standing up for your self, and your rights as a human being!
Hello Mole,
You are absolutely right.
Only problem, they will absolutely disfellowship you.
But you will be in good company. You will have a rough road but a lot of support.
Hey Mole,
Keep the courage! Hoping things go well for you. Know that many know what you are going through. You have support here.
Hey mole,
HOpe that you are ok with the DF thing.... how dare you think for yourself, eh?
When / if they do, look at it as freedom. You will never go back.... trust me!
I'm sorry Mole, your own sister betrayed u. Bunch of freakin nazis. this is why i am so careful.
Good luck man, that's bravery. I hope things go well. We'll be praying for you.
Frannie Banannie
Ya got true grits, Mole!!! Keep on keepin' on!
Frannie B
A Paduan
And so it was for Jesus too