The silent cancer in the organization

by truthseeker 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    Cancer is one of the worlds biggest killers. Some people discover they have cancer early and they can have it quickly removed and be cured.

    Others are not so lucky. Their's is a malignant tumor, and it spreads fast, sometimes killing them within weeks or months.

    There are many treatments for most kinds of cancer. Gene therapy and new laser techniques are helping most cancer patients live longer.

    But there is one type of cancer that remains, by far, the most undetected, and the most deadly.

    And that is the information cancer. Just as cancer cells multiply, information spreads quickly from one person to another.

    We'll call it infocancer.

    The cause of this virulent form of cancer has been identified as having doubts.

    Doubts, which are left unchecked, can quickly cause a normal JW brain to become infected with infocancer. Sometimes, the cancer disappears, as doubts are pushed to the back of ones mind.

    In other cases, the cancer returns and the symptoms are worse than the previous attack when unanswered doubts return. This is known as the relapsing/remitting infocancer.

    The later stages of this cancer are degeneration of the part of the brain that governs JW thinking. As JW's begin to address the source of their doubts, this part of the brain begins to break down, as intelligent thought replaces mindless obedience.

    At this stage, there is no cure. The victim must seek immediate attention to prevent them from becoming overwhelmed by their symptons.

    Seriously though, this is no laughing matter - at least for the faithful and discreet slave.

    When this board was created 3 years ago, no one had any idea at this time that SilentLambs existed. Look what it has achieved.

    There are more active JW's posting than there ever was. And the number of registered users is getting higher all the time.

    The number of people who know about the false doctrines and cover ups of child abuse are increasing, as more and more TV doucmentarys are shown, and repeated throughout different parts of the world.

    Little is being done to address this. There is virtually no talk in the congregations of this deadly epidemic, which we shall call the silent cancer. The flow of information cannot be stopped. Although there are plenty of talks at the conventions about apostates and the 'voice of strangers', no real info is given as to all these 'half truths' the apostates are supposedly teaching.

    How many people who go to the hall wonder if the brother or sister they are sitting next to knows about this site or the 'deep things' of the org?

    The Society, although it knows how infectious infocancer is, will not openly address and discuss the problem. They hope it will go away but it won't. Their only 'vaccine' against infocancer is to demonise the Internet and make it seem like people who leave the org are wicked.

    Refusing to acknolwegde a major outbreak of infocancer is dangerous - ignoring cancer doesn't stop it from spreading. Pretending you don't have cancer doesn't stop if from spreading.

    The epidemic continues....

  • caspian

    Very eloquent post.

  • Singing Man
    Singing Man

    Extremely well said I commend you on your insight. We should all send this post via e-mail to those who are still witness's.

  • ozziepost


    Mrs Ozzie is sitting next to me and wants me to pass on to you that she found this an impressive post.

    Thanks and well done!

    Cheers, Ozzie

    PS Greetings to Cas!

  • BluesBrother
    Doubts, which are left unchecked, can quickly cause a normal JW brain to become infected with infocancer. Sometimes, the cancer disappears, as doubts are pushed to the back of ones mind.

    You can push them to the back of your mind, but they keep coming back , like a lurking tumour in your "Shield of faith".

    All my life I had a generally zealous attitude punctuated every few years by spells of doubt and questioning things - the morality of Armageddon in particular. Then it just needs a key , something to happen in your life that makes the connection and Wham! the whole shebang just unravels like a badly knitted jumper.

    Since my awakening I have never doubted that my previous life was wasted on a falsehood - even though I still maintain contact for family reasons . The Org no longer holds me .

    Well done truthseeker.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Very insightful post, truthseeker....the only other thing the WTS could do to combat this "infiltration" is to condemn watching or reading media content, which reports on these events.....and that would also bring into question the veracity of the WT-BATS own claims of Jehovah being on their side, wherein the media has reported on their judicial that's a "catch-22" situation for them...

    Frannie B

  • Blueblades

    Very good Truthseeker.The Society wants to stifle doubts and call it spiritual weakness.When Thomas doubted about the Resurrected Jesus,Jesus did not stifle him ,but,addressed his doubt with a personal answer by appearing to him and settling his doubt once and for all.Not so the Society!

    This forum is answering the call of all doubters,by imitating Jesus and supplying evidence to answer all the doubts that many in the org.are having.

    So,it is not wrong to doubt,what is wrong for the Society is to suppress those doubts,because they know that those doubters have good reason to doubt the Society.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    right on

  • jgnat

    That is a fantastic article. I think of a discussion I had with a JW apologist recently, who suggested that the internet will not hurt the WTS, because only "doubters" would come here anyways. Since nearly everybody has doubts at one time or another, it seems to me that nearly everybody in the WTS is vulnerable to infocancer.

    Unless the WTS doesn't care. Unless in their blindness, they are just as happy to be rid of thinking witnesses. Unless they would prefer a smaller "purer" core of "believers", apparently immune to any outside influence.

  • stillajwexelder

    Great post but nothing new under the sun in my opinion. The Roman Catholic Church in the middle ages could not stop it - the reformation--- the invention of the printing press etc. , and they could not stop the flow of ideas and information -- yes sure they tried the inquisition and torture and burning at the stake - and disfellowshipping excommunication -- but that eventually ended up doing more harm than good -- they only stopped the rot when they attempted some reform -- i.e. no sale of indulgences etc.

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