Publisher offers to print CofC without cost!

by Diogenesister 27 Replies latest members adult

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Diogenesister said, in part,
    "Frankly, it was the lack of authorized editions and the murkiness of who even held copyright that has helped to create this problem."

    Do you find it helpful to blame the victim of a crime instead of the miscreant who commits the crime?Your morality is questionable.

    Then Diogenesister added this: "PS - In my opinion, the YouTube situation you mentioned has been entirely blown out of proportion. My understanding is that an individual from Europe produced a few printed copies of Crisis of Conscience to gift to family and friends. A few copies were provided to another European ex-JW activist who offered a copy to one of his viewers as a gift. When some raised objection to this, he instead gave away his original authorized version. At no time did I ever witness an attempt to distribute this work for financial gain or sell it online. Again, it was the lack of affordable and easily available copies that created this situation. In my view it's important not to use a copyright misunderstanding to besmirch the good name of one of the leading activists working on behalf of Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide today."

    Once again the sympathies of Diogenesister appear to be leaning in favor of THE CRIMINAL.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Backpedaling furiously, Diogenesister appears to now be disavowing her message, claiming that she was speaking on behalf of someone else.

    Why is that other person incapable of speaking for themselves?

    WHY is Diogenesister always speaking for some third party?

  • cappytan

    Nathan: she just copy/pasted a post from ExJW Reddit that was posted a day or two ago. No need to be a nasty douche about it.*

    Maybe your screen name should be ignoranceisbliss...or jumpstoconclusions.

    *disclaimer: When it comes to douches, it takes one to know one. I'm unabashedly a douche. And being a douche makes spotting douches a lot easier.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    O, gosh, Sir, you have bested me!

    Now have your milk and cookies and off to sleep!

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    Europeans! Now that certainly narrows it down a bit. So it was two of those guys in the band that sang Final Countdown?

  • OrphanCrow
    cappytan: PTSD sucks and can prevent us from viewing things objectively.

    Speak for yourself, cappytan.

    Do YOU have PTSD?

    Because your statement is pure assholism. By the way...I just picked my mom as an example because I thought people could relate to that better. She is not the only person who does shit like that - she just happens to be the one who taught me how to recognize bullshit. Just like I can right now with you.

  • cyberjesus
    Oh brother.... I wonder who is really behind this post and what its true purpose is.....
  • cappytan
    Speak for yourself, cappytan.
    Do YOU have PTSD?
    Because your statement is pure assholism. By the way...I just picked my mom as an example because I thought people could relate to that better. She is not the only person who does shit like that - she just happens to be the one who taught me how to recognize bullshit. Just like I can right now with you.

    You seem to be a very angry person. I was expressing empathy for you and you call me an asshole.

    Your emotional irrational response to my comment and the OP shows an objective discussion on this subject is impossible for you.

    My wife says I have PTSD. I don't know if I do or not. But she suffers from it (diagnosed) so I know how it makes people behave irrationally and that certain things can trigger emotional responses.

    You may think my comments are pure assholism. I feel your comments on this subject and many others belie a certain personality type, but I choose to take the high road and not denigrate someone who is obviously suffering.

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