2020-04-10 Congregation Donations by Electronic Funds Transfer!

by Atlantis 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Atlantis

    Juan Viejo2:

    Atlantis mentioned once that back in the 40's and 50's if a house-holder had no money for the literature, the JW's would trade them for bars of soap. Grandpa would go home smelling like a bubble bath because he had so many bars of soap in his pockets.


    Beth Sarim:

    Yes, I agree!


  • Worldwithout

    When I wanted to pursue a college education , I was strongly discouraged by the brothers in the KHell and my parents. Now 20 years later no college but a job and these azzhats want my money. They can sit and spin for as I care. Jehokea can help them.

  • Atlantis


    Your right! If Jehovah can make manna fall from heaven, then He can also make money fall from heaven too! So, let the JW's get their contributions from Him.


  • carla

    What happened to "we don't ask for donations like Christendom"?

  • LongHairGal


    I sympathize..I hope you’re at least making it.

    The JW religion made a lot of trouble for people either by getting parents to deny their children college or getting some adults there to quit full time jobs.. Anybody who heeded this bad advice caused hardship for their now adult children. Anybody who quit a full time job to pursue poverty pioneering couldn’t retire..I’m glad I never fell for this!

    If the Witnesses have the audacity to call on me asking for charity, they’ll never forget what I’m going to tell them.

  • caves

    I've known some members of the cong to cover what was lacking in funds for the monthly upkeep and kh payments. Usually some 'well to do' elder. I'm willing to bet that there are many congs that a few of the members cover the remaining 40% that is lacking.

  • slimboyfat
    I think even wealthy local JWs may be less likely to cover the shortfall in local KH expenses when a major recurring item in those expenses is a large, and somewhat inexplicable, lump sum they send to Watchtower each month. I suspect bodies of elders may come under pressure to reduce the congregation contribution to Watchtower. What can Watchtower do to stop them? Ultimately I don’t see they have much leverage. Remove the body of elders? Tell them they’ll die at Armageddon if they don’t support the GB’s lifestyle?
  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    I think they are supposed to decide the amount sent each September looking at the financial well being of the congregation. it will be hard to maintain the same level if everyone doesnt get a new job. I expect a downward pressure on wages and hours and increase in living expenses.

    Does the assembly hall still cost $18000 a day to run? Asking for a friend.

  • Worldwithout

    If the meetings are now on zoom and in private homes, they should pay the members to join. I personally would tell them to get a job.

  • BluesBrother

    Is it really safe to enter the cong. Bank a/c details on their website? I am assuming that that part of it will be a secured site but now that everyone knows that there is financial information on there........ I hope they don’t get hacked .

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